Seminar series

We welcome visitors from across the UK and the wider world to our seminar series.


In addition to our national and international visitors, this year's series showcases Sheffield colleagues from French Studies, Spanish and Latin American Studies, Germanic Studies, and Intercultural Communication.  They present their research in a variety of disciplinary areas, including linguistics, literature, intellectual history and visual culture. 

Programme 2023-2024


16 May 2024

1.00- 2.00pm

Lunchtime talkDr Seán Williams on 'Edward Carpenter's Queer Language'Weston Park Museum

25 April 2024


Film/documentaryCartas a uma dictadura (2006) (Letters to a dictatorship) with English subtitlesPortobello Centre, Rm 59b

16 April 2024

5 pm

SeminarAuthor, translator and activist Cy Lecerf Malpoix on 'Deviant Ecologies'Jessop West, SR 03

12- - 22 March 2024

From 7.30

Theatre2024 edition of our Modern Languages Drama Festival. Four plays on five eveningsSheffield Drama Studio

5th December 2023

4pm - 5.30pm

Social/cultural eventSinterklaas visits SheffieldJessop West Foyer

7th December 2023

5.30pm - 7pm

Sign up link


Prof. Lauren Rea’s Inaugural Lecture

Followed by a reception, 7pm - 8pm, The Diamond Basement.

Lecture Theatre 2, The Diamond

 1 & 15 November 2023

2.00 - 4.00pm

WorkshopUltra short non-fiction workshops with SLC Artist in Residence, Paulien CornelisseJessop West, SR 08

14 November 2023

4.00 - 5.30pm

Ukrainian Studies seminarNatalia Bahniuk and Olena Synchak. 'How has the Ukrainian language withstood Russian imperialism? Distorted history'Jessop West, SR 08
Past events

1st November 2023

2 - 4pm

Paulien CornelisseUltra short non-fiction workshops with SLC Artist in ResidenceSeminar room 8, Jessop West
31st October 2023 - 12th November The going towards exhibition by artist Elisa Larvego.The Site Gallery, Sheffield
31 October 2023Vira DutkanychUkrainian Studies seminar - ‘Ukraine: A Journey Through History’Jessop West Seminar Room 8

31st October 2023

5.00pm - 7pm

 Exhibition opening event: The going towards exhibition from artist Elisa Larvego.The Site Gallery, Sheffield

26 October

6.30pm - 8.15pm

 1996 Oscar-winning Czech film - KolyaLecture Theatre 5, Hicks Building

20th October

5pm - 8.30pm

 Britain’s War on Chile’s Democracy: Conversations with Salvador Allende’s Grandson.Lecture Theatre 7, The Diamond

11th October 2023

5pm - 6pm

Reception with representatives from the Dutch Embassy.‘Ten true stories of Dutch colonial slavery'Jessop West Foyer
9th October - 29th October ‘Ten true stories of Dutch colonial slavery'Jessop West Foyer

19th September 2023

4.30 - 6pm

Dr. Moussa Samba‘Métissage culturel, acculturation ou culturicide en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas du Sénégal’Jessop Building, Room 117

11 May 2023


Rhodri Sheldrake Davies (Durham University) 
Rhiannon McGlade
(University of Strathclyde)

Visual Print Media as Dissent in Contemporary Spain

Presentations, round-table and Q & A 
Chair: Louise Johnson (Sheffield)

Diamond Workroom 2

5 May 2023


Dr Nicola Bermingham (University of Liverpool)
Dr Andrew Bradley (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Prof Avel·lí Flors Mas (Universitat de Barcelona)
Prof Elin Gunleifsen (Universitetet i Agder)
Dr James Hawkey (Bristol)
Prof Kristine Horner (UoS)
Prof Michael Hornsby (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań)
Prof Helen Kelly-Holmes (University of Limerick)
Dr Sarah Muller (Zenter fir d’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch)
Prof Gro-Renée Rambø (Universitetet i Agder) 

In collaboration with the Centre for Luxembourg Studies

The Sociolinguistics of 'Small Languages': Policies, Practices and Interests

This colloquium considers the utility of the term ‘small language’ in sociolinguistic research and considers shifts in the circumstances in which speakers of 'small languages' find themselves. Papers explore a range of European case studies, including Ireland, Scandinavia, Spain, France, Andorra and Luxembourg.

Full programme

Mappin Hall

4 May 2023


Katy Humberstone
Matt Oxley (UoS)
Cian Hurley (UoS)

In collaboration with the Centre for Luxembourg Studies

Thematic Panel on ‘Spatialised Tensions’

This interdisciplinary PGR-led panel will present initial findings across the 3 research sites of Mexico, Catalonia and Luxembourg, where linguistic, social and cultural tensions are negotiated, contested and materialised in spaces.

Diamond, Workroom 1
Rearranged for Autumn 2023Speakers 
Dr Nathalie Solomon (Université de Perpignan, France)
Dr Maxime Goergen (UoS) 
Dr Harsh Trivedi (UoS)
Chair: Dr David McCallam (UoS)

Balzac: A 21st-century man

A round-table discussion on the relevance of 19th-century French novelist Honoré de Balzac's works in our times.


26 April 2023

4.15 pm

Dr Andrew Cusack
(University of St Andrews)
"Transnational Modern Languages and Border Zones Case Study: Switzerland- Württemberg in the 19th Century"Jessop West, SR G.03

25 April 2023

5 pm

Dr Nicola Frith
(University of Edinburgh)
"Legacies of Slavery in the French Republic: Recognition, Reconciliation or Reparation?" Jessop West, SR G.03

15 March 2023

7.30 pm

Translation Extravaganza!

A round table teach-out event with writers and translators

The extravaganza is part of the SLC Translation Days. The full programme can be downloaded here

Logo SLC translation days 2023. Three red stripes fanning out
Drama Studio

2 March 2023

2 pm

Prof  Renata Schellenberg

(Mount Allison University, Canada)

"German Colonialism and its Legacies"Diamond, Lecture Theatre 9

28 Feb  2023

5 pm

Andreas Hiemstra
((Universität Oldenburg/
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)

"Linguistic Transfer between Closely Related Languages in Third Language Acquisition"

Jessop West, SR G.03

27 Feb 2023
5 pm

Prof. Wim Vandenbussche
(VU Brussels, Belgium)
"Dutch in Multilingual Brussels: Past, present and future"

Diamond, Workroom 2

In collaboration with the Centre for Dutch and Flemish Studies

26 October 2022

5 pm

Dr Hannah Silvester
(University College Cork, Ireland)
"Language, Power and Identity in the Banlieue: Subtitling linguistic variation in Abdellatif Kechiche’s L’Esquive"Jessop West, G.03
27 April 2022Dr Sophie Watt"Neo-Colonial Violence in the Francophone World"Pemberton LTA, Regent Court (ScHARR)
30 March 20222Dr Lauren ReaBilliken and the Great Latin American Women ProjectPemberton LTA, Regent Court (ScHARR)
16 March 2022Katia KameliKatia Kameli in conversation: images, memory and translation (Chair: Amanda Tavares)Online
23 March 2022Thomas Waller"João Paulo Borges Coelho, Autonomy, and the Global Literary Marketplace"Pemberton LTA, Regent Court (ScHARR)

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