Morinobu Endo

Morinobu Endo's published papers.


Hollow tubular structure of carbons existing at the core of the thin carbon fibres obtained by hydrocarbon pyrolysis was discovered.

Various structures of the core with single layer, double layer and multi layer structures were demonstrated. The growth model based on the ultra-fine iron catalytic particle located at the tip of the hollow tube was presented.

Using ultra-fine catalytic particles of iron, by the process of dispersion on the substrate or by floating at the reaction chamber, ultra-thin carbon fibres with hollow core were successfully produced by pyrolytic reaction.

The floating process of catalytic particles was reported in the paper to be patented by M.Endo et al. ( Japanese Patent, M Endo, T Koyama, Patent No. 1400271, (28 September 1987)).

A new growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes without catalytic particle was demonstrated, and this model was based on the reverse process of C60 decomposition.

This model can explain the formation of chiral structure of carbon nanotubes. It was expected to grow the pure carbon nanotubes without any metallic elements.

The structure of as-grown and heat-treated pyrolytic carbon nanotubes produced by hydrocarbon pyrolysis were discussed on the basis of a possible growth processes.

On the mass produced thin carbon fibres by catalytic chemical vapor deposition process (so called as multi-walled carbon nanotubes by CCVD process), the effective application as an additive for anode of high performance lithium-ion battery was demonstrated as a promising practical application of carbon nanotubes.

By using the controlled CCVD process, a high yield of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWNT) was achieved. The obtained DWNT has a large bundle structure, and pure DWNT paper was prepared. 

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