Participatory Research Network Hub

An overview of the participatory research projects undertaken by researchers from across the University, and their outputs.

2024-2025 projects and outputs

Illustrations outlining the aims of the co-pro futures project and current challenges. Core plans include call for evidence, panel deliberations, action plan for change.

Co-Production Futures Inquiry

The Co-Pro Futures Inquiry will propose measures to address barriers to participatory and co-produced research within universities and the UK higher education sector. Between April 2024 - July 2026 this will involve workshops, desk-based secondary analysis, interviews, and a high-profile panel who will identify actions that can be put into practice. The project is supported by the Universities of Liverpool, Manchester, and Sheffield.

Download the summary report (PDF, 3.7MB)

Prof. Beth Perry (Urban Institute, University of Sheffield)
Prof. Catherine Durose (Heseltine Institute, University of Liverpool)
Prof. Liz Richardson (Department of Politics, University of Manchester)

Themes featured in the concluding discussion with all workshop participants about existing knowledge and next steps, including: The more you know the more you realise you don’t know Keeping communication simple No clear process to follow Every project is bespoke in its data collection Intellectual property rights are built on colonial logic and western assumptions Identifying knowledge gaps Hidden knowledge in the university Old processes that don’t mesh with PR
Key themes from the workshop participants’ discussion of challenges and next steps. Visual scribing by Nifty Fox, 25 June 2024.

The PRN’s Intellectual Property Rights and Participatory Research Training Workshop

On 25 June 2024, participatory researchers from across TUoS sat down with representatives from research and professional services to untangle how intellectual property rights and data protection legislation affect research design and partnerships. The blog below provides an overview of the event and links to key resources that came out of it.  

Read the blog post

An graphic note about why participatory research matters to our communities
Graphic note taking: The Politics of Payment (Nifty Fox)

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Employment Status Guidance

Guidance on how to make payments for activities that involve participants or community engagement. This guidance is intended to help to support decision making in PPI, Service User Participation and across broader community engagement /co-production in the other Faculties. This isn't a formal University Policy and care should be taken to assess individual circumstances.

Access the guidance (Staff Hub)

Download the signposting document (PDF,  225KB)

2023-2024 projects and outputs

Life at the frontier logo green and black

Crossing the Frontier: Exploring the potential of the Collective Mobile Method

This project explored to what extent can collective movement and artistic expression serve to better understand and redress the negative effects of social frontiers. It was co-delivered by researchers, two voluntary sector organisations in Rotherham, and local artists.

Access the summary and participant information sheet

Life at the Frontier project website

Dr Henry Staples (School of Geography and Planning), Dr Aneta Piekut (School of Education), Lora Krasteva (Freelance Artist and Cultural Producer), Uzma Rani (Rotherham Open Arts Renaissance), Zanib Rasool (Rotherham United Community Trust)

Illustration of groups of people stood on top of a globe watching a video
Annotation by Alexandra Plummer & Joana Albrecht

Participatory Video as a Method for Participatory Research and Community Engagement

This handbook is based on a two-part course taught by Dr Pamela Richardson showcasing the importance of video as a medium that can connect and communicate, conveying hard truths and heartfelt messages in unique ways. It was taught partly in the context of the COVID pandemic for members of the Global Partnership Network of universities and NGOs in Haiti, Jamaica, Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Uganda, Ethiopia, South Africa, Iran, India and Germany.

Download the Participatory Video Handbook, PDF (12.3 MB)

Dr Pamela Richardson (School of Geography and Planning)

Introductory video

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in Research Ethics

The Participatory Research Network (PRN@TUoS) and the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) engaged in a project to discuss the most appropriate way of advising on and addressing issues of ED&I in our research ethics policy and processes. Their blog post below provides more information about the project. They also created a series of  videos demonstrating the challenges and opportunities for conducting ethical research when using collaborative and participatory methods.

Read the blog

Videos: EDI in research ethics

Dr Jennifer Burr (School of Medicine and Population Health), Dr Kirsty Liddiard and Dr Sophie Phillips (School of Education)

Knowledge equity: a framework fro critical reflection

Knowledge Equity: A framework for critical reflection

Academics, practitioners and those with lived experience of marginalisation came together in an NCRM funded project to explore the concept of knowledge equity and the importance of it within the context of participatory and co-produced work. One of the outputs from the project seeks to capture the importance of knowledge equity as a research methodology and offers reflective prompts for researchers who are keen to develop their practice further.

Access the article

image of front page of creative writing toolkit

The Participatory Researchers' Creative Writing Toolkit

A participatory research team made up of students, librarians and academics designed a toolkit sharing examples of creative writing activities for adoption in participation research workshops. The toolkit is an output from the Creative Library project, which used creative writing activities within workshops to collaboratively explore librarian and student perceptions of artificial intelligence.

Download the toolkit (PDF, 557KB)

Dr Andrew Cox (Information School) and Dr Vicky Grant (The University Library)

Introductory video

Community Researcher Toolkit Project

This toolkit offers guidance for academic researchers working with, or interested in working with, community researchers. It was developed through a series of creative workshops with academics and community researchers from diverse backgrounds.

View the Community Researcher Toolkit 

Visit the project website

Dr Kate Fryer and Dr Habiba Aminu (School of Medicine and Population Health)

2022-2023 projects and outputs

Access folk
Access folk logo

Access Folk

The Access Folk project uses participatory research and action research methods to explore ways to increase and diversify participation in folk singing in England.

Access the the podcast, knowledge exchange report, PGR guide, and other outputs on the access folk website.

Access Folk website

Professor Fay Hield, Dr Esbjorn Wettermark, Dr Kirsty Kay (Department of Music)

Patient and public involvement panel
Screenshot from PPI video

Enhancing public engagement with research: Mesothelioma Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) panel

Researchers co-produced a 3-minute video with the mesothelioma Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) panel, documenting patient's experiences and insights in order to i) educate the wider public about the role patients/the public can play in research and ii) support wider engagement in PPI by highlighting examples of good practice.

Watch the video

Dr Bethany Taylor (School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery)

Image of people doing art, with text over it reading: right from the start I was made to feel welcome
Image from project's 'Playing with the light' Zine

Supporting adoptive parents through multi-arts creative practice

This participatory arts/research project, in collaboration with Seaglass Collective and The Art House, explored questions arising across sectors and practices related to adoptive families and their needs. The project gathered in-depth data on diverse experiences of participatory arts for parents of adopted children through a participatory model and developed and strengthened networks across organisations.

Video presentation about the project

View the co-produced zine

Dr Jessica Bradley (School of Education)

PGR Experiences of Doing Participatory Research. Nifty Fox Creative.

Exploring and embedding PGR experiences of participatory research in TUoS research cultures

This project aimed to better understand what PGRs – across all faculties and departments in the University – need in relation to developing, co-designing and engaging in participatory research. It conducted virtual focus groups and collaborative analysis workshops exploring PGR experiences of participatory research inquiry and culture. The project culminated in a co-produced podcast, manifesto, artistic visualisations from the workshop and a journal article (forthcoming).

Video: PGR experiences of doing participatory research 

Video: How research leadership can support PGRs

Podcast: PGR experiences of doing participatory research

Download our PGR manifesto (PDF, 107KB)

Artistic visualisations from the workshops

Journal article forthcoming

Dr Kirsty Liddiard (School of Education); Dr Lauren White (Sheffield Methods Institute); Ankita Mishra (Psychology). 

tips for helping vision impaired patients

Exploring the experiences of acute hospital care for older people with vision impairment

The purpose of the study was to explore how to involve vision impaired older people in developing and piloting methods to explore their experiences in ways that were creative and inclusive to those with vision impairment.

The project created a number of graphics offering 'top tips' for health professionals and people living with vision impairment in supporting care in the hospital environment.

Top tips for helping a vision impaired patient

Dr Fiona Wilson and Dr Gemma Arblaster (School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery)

Graphic detailing findings from the project - brain health, what should we be researching?
Drawn by Graphic Change

Identifying research priorities in ethnic minority and socio-economically deprived communities and widening participation in research

This project aimed to place communities at the centre of research on dementia and respiratory disorders, as a step towards citizen control of the research agenda. Building on pre-existing relationships with local ethnic minority communities, researchers identified and trained Community Research Link Workers (CRLWs) from the Chinese and Roma communities to undertake patient and public involvement sessions within their communities.

View project photographs and artistic visualisations 

Dr Kate Fryer (Medicine and Population Health)

Space for community to grow

This project investigated participative social research methods that co-produce knowledge aiming to stimulate effective local action on greenspace deprivation in ethnically diverse urban areas for reasons of public health and social justice.

Interview with landscape architect Bridget E. Snaith

Film forthcoming

Journal article forthcoming

Dr Bridget Snaith (Department of Landscape Architecture)

2021-2022 projects and outputs

Cartoon person looking at a sign that reads 'prioritising ppi involvement in palliative care'
Image by NiftyFox

Improving research involvement opportunities for people with palliative care needs

The project used creative methods to increase research involvement and participation opportunities for people with palliative care needs, their families and carers.

Patient and public involvement recipe book (PDF)

Artistic visualisations

More information about the project

Dr Sarah Mitchell (Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health)

A healthcare professional with a big heart
Humanising Healthcare Logo

Promoting participatory research in ethics applications with marginalised communities

University researchers worked in collaboration with researchers with learning disabilities and/or autism to promote, model and share a participatory approach to the writing of research ethics applications.

Read the journal article

Accessible consent form

Accessible information sheet

Participatory ethics good practice guidelines 

More information about the project

Dan Goodley (School of Education)

prn possibilities

Mapping participatory research at the University of Sheffield: Establishing legacies for best practice

This project aimed to map and share participatory research across all faculties at the University of Sheffield. As its legacy, it established an ongoing Participatory Research Network (PRN@TUoS). 

Participatory Research Network (PRN@TUoS)Video: Participatory Research at the University

PRN@TUoS Twitter (X)

Dr Kirsty Liddiard (School of Education)

Developing participatory research across the faculty of social sciences

Developing, sharing and showcasing participatory research expertise across the Faculty of Social Sciences

This Research England funded project aimed to document cross-disciplinary best practice of doing participatory research within the Faculty of Social Science. It drew on existing expertise and experience of those who have done participatory research internationally and within the UK. It culminated in a series of workshops and videos.

Watch the videos

Professor Simon Rushton and Dr Juan Mario Diaz Arevalo (Faculty of Social Sciences)