Equality, diversity and inclusion in research. More than a tick box in a research ethics application.

The Participatory Research Network (PRN@TUoS) and the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) engaged in a project to discuss the most appropriate way of advising on and addressing issues of ED&I in our research ethics policy and processes.

Ethical Research and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trailer

The project

Our work stemmed from what was set out as a simple question asked in a University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) meeting about whether it was appropriate to include a question on equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in our ethics application.  The lively discussion that followed raised complex issues and powerful emotions.  

In 2022 some of us successfully bid for internal University of Sheffield Research England funding to discuss the most appropriate way of advising on and addressing issues of ED&I in our research ethics policy and processes. The project would utilise approximately twenty semi-structured interviews with UoS Faculty representatives on the UREC, representatives from key funding bodies, and representatives from research ethics committees in other Russell Group Universities. 

The project addressed the following issues raised in that initial committee meeting: 

  1. Whether ethical review is the appropriate stage of the research process to address ED&I issues, or whether this should be incorporated at a much earlier stage of the research process (or both)?
  2. How we assess whether ED&I has been addressed in our ethics processes recognising how it may be influenced by discipline.  What is the burden on researchers in demonstrating they have addressed it?
  3. What would we expect reviewers to do with the information provided in a question about ED&I, how should it affect their decisions on ‘ethical research’? What training/support would need to be provided to enable this?
  4. What would be the impact on taught student projects, given that students at this level often undertake research to learn about the research process rather than to produce publishable findings? 

The findings 

The findings suggested two key areas to address with regard to ED&I in research ethics; 1) the importance of ED&I as a component of ethical thinking in research, as a pillar which acknowledges relationships of power both in the way that research is conducted and how the findings are used and 2) the need for a clear and defendable rationale for the inclusion of ED&I so that researchers do not feel ‘over policed by ethics committees’.  However, and more generally, it was considered important that a University research ethics process demonstrates a commitment to this thinking, in all applications.

The outcome

In 2022 we were awarded further Research Culture funding for the development of an online training course for University staff and students that involves the use of case studies involving researchers who discuss how they have incorporated principles of ED&I into their research ethics application. 

Once started we took a further strategic decision that the outcome should not be developed as ‘training’ but as freely available short films, led by researchers from across the University, that showcased the importance of ED&I in research and the challenges they faced in addressing these issues.  The decision to make these as short films meant they could be made available to everyone with an interest in participatory research methods, ED&I and research ethics as well as the subject matter considered in each film. 

The films are based upon different research projects, but common themes include the importance of involving marginalised and minoritised groups and stakeholders from the very beginning of a project; ensuring that individuals are paid properly for their time; and that something meaningful is produced and researchers continue to engage with communities once the project is over.  

Some of the challenges discussed are how relationships of power are recognised and addressed, including that of mistrust for the traditional ‘grab and run’ approach of researchers and academic institutions. It includes recognition that most of the messiness of co-production in research, and other methods that critically consider equity and power, are not addressed in research training, and cannot easily be encapsulated in a research ethics application.  

Access the films

Access the report from the initial interviews 

Please send any feedback you may have to the Participatory Research Network at prn@sheffield.ac.uk

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