Michael Pidd
School of History, Philosophy and Digital Humanities
Director of The Digital Humanities Institute

- Profile
Michael is Director of The Digital Humanities Institute. He has nearly 30 years of experience in developing, managing and delivering large collaborative research projects and technology R&D in the humanities and heritage subject domains.
He is currently Principal Investigator (UK) on the project C21 Editions: Scholarly Editing and Publishing in the Digital Age (AHRC and Irish Research Council) and Co-Investigator on the project Scoping Future Data Services (AHRC).
He was Principal Investigator on the following projects: Connecting Shakespeare (HEIF), Dewdrop (Jisc), Reinventing Local Public Libraries (HEIF), and Manuscripts Online (Jisc); Co-Investigator on the following projects: Intoxicants and Early Modernity (ESRC/AHRC), Linguistic DNA (AHRC), Beyond the Multiplex (AHRC) and Ways of Being in the Digital Age (ESRC); and has been the technical lead on a wide number of projects such as Digital Panopticon (AHRC).
Michael oversees the work of the DHI which includes:
- Responsibility for the development and delivery of its research projects.
- Initiating and developing research funding proposals.
- Overseeing the DHI’s postgraduate degree programmes.
- Developing the DHI’s operations and strategic objectives.
- Managing the DHI’s relationship with its clients and stakeholders.
- Developing new relationships and business opportunities.
- Representing the DHI nationally and internationally as well as within the University more widely.
- Overseeing the online resources which the DHI hosts on behalf of its partners.
Michael serves as the main point of contact for project partners undertaking a collaboration with the DHI and he bears responsibility for the DHI’s commitments to its projects.
- Research interests
- Data ontologies
- Scholarly digital editions
- Research infrastructure
- Information systems design
- Online publishing
Selection of Online Resources
A Practical Guide to Using Data Ontologies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2021). Available at: https://www.dhi.ac.uk/ontology-guide/
Beyond the Multiplex Audience Data Platform (2021). Funded by AHRC. Available at: https://www.beyondthemultiplex.org
Jaina Prosopography (2020). Funded by The Leverhulme Trust. https://www.jaina-prosopography.org
Linguistic DNA of Modern Western Thought (2019). Available at: http://www.linguisticdna.org
European Cinema Audiences (2022). Funded by AHRC. https://https://www.europeancinemaaudiences.org
Cine Ricordi (2018). Funded by AHRC. http://www.cinericordi.it
Casa Ricordi (2017). Funded by Casa Ricordi, Milan. https://www.digitalarchivioricordi.com
Digital Panopticon: The Global Impact of London Punishments, 1780-1925. (2013 – 2018). Funded by AHRC. http://www.digitalpanopticon.org
Mark My Bird (2017). Funded by the European Research Council. http://www.dhi.ac.uk/projects/mark- my-bird
Manuscripts Online – Written Culture from 1000 to 1500 (2013). Funded by Jisc. http://www.manuscriptsonline.org
Intoxicants and Early Modernity (2017). Funded by AHRC / ESRC. http://www.intoxicantsproject.org
England’s Immigrants 1330 – 1550: Resident Aliens in the Middle Ages (2015). http://www.englandsimmigrants.com
Beyond the Label (2012). Funded by the University of Sheffield and the Museum, Libraries and Archives Council (MLA). http://www.beyondthelabel.info
Locating London's Past (2011). Funded by Jisc. http://www.locatinglondon.org
Connected Histories (2011). Funded by Jisc. http://www.connectedhistories.org