Sheffield areas of strength for clinical academic training
Sheffield has identified the following areas of strength for our clinical academic training, in addition to those addressing NIHR priorities.
Acute care
ACFs/CLs can undertake research improving the care of patients presenting with acute health needs in primary, secondary or prehospital care.
The Centre for Urgent and Emergency Care Research (CURE) is a leading international centre for acute care research that hosts the Yorkshire and Humber Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) urgent care theme. Four Professors and a Senior Lecturer in Emergency Medicine (including current and emeritus NIHR Senior Investigators) provide academic supervision. Academics in emergency medicine, primary care, hospital specialties, and prehospital care, collaborate with social scientists, data scientists, health economists, and statisticians to deliver major NIHR-funded evaluations.
CURE has regional links to Yorkshire Ambulance Service and hospitals across Yorkshire. CURE has >£12M funding in the last 5 years, with £4.1M attributable to a CURE investigator, and multiple REF impact case studies. Our two most recent CLs in emergency medicine are now an NIHR Advanced Fellow and RCEM Professor in CURE.
CURE research pioneered economic modelling in acute care, with outputs influencing NICE guidance and models used internationally. We developed the CUREd+ linked emergency care and prehospital dataset to undertake ongoing emergency care evaluation through the ARC. Our NIHR advanced fellow is developing social care research through an evaluation of emergency referrals from care homes.
Trainees will undertake projects integrated into major CURE research programmes, such as:
- Management of major trauma using the National Major Trauma Registry or traumatic brain injury using the TBI REPORTER data hub
- Early warning scores for predicting outcomes from sepsis, using the CUREd+ dataset
- Systematic reviews and decision-analytic modelling of emergency care initiatives, through the NIHR-funded Sheffield Evidence Synthesis Centre (EnSygN) and ongoing CURE collaboration with health economists in SCHARR
ACFs/CLs can undertake research to translate experimental neuroscience into biomarker discovery, effective therapies and better outcomes for patients with neurological disorders.
Neuroscience research is a leading focus for UoS and health sectors in Sheffield, with national centres of ataxia, neuro-oncology, and neurodegeneration. Trainees will be embedded in the Sheffield NIHR-BRC and benefit from the excellent research environment provided by the internationally renowned Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN) and UoS cross-faculty Neuroscience University Research Institute. The BRC Training Academy supports the training of the next generation of researchers.
Sheffield has developed an international reputation for translational neuroscience research with a particular focus on advanced therapies, drug repurposing and other novel therapeutic approaches. Examples include the first successful genetic therapy (Tofersen) for motor neurone disease (MND), Sheffield being a lead site for an international trial on autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis, successful completion of a proof of concept study with innovative trial design for repurposed drugs in Parkinson’s disease and vagal nerve stimulation to promote recovery after stroke. Our ‘pull-through’ preclinical work from SITraN has promoted licenced therapy development for MND and spinal muscular atrophy.
Our translational research is strongly supported by the successful application of innovative methodological approaches (e.g. 31P-MR spectroscopy) to confirm target engagement, sensor-based quantification of gait to determine motor progression in Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, and AI (Cognospeak) to remotely assess cognitive impairment in dementia. Sheffield Neuroscience has also led on the development of novel precision medicine strategies. These include TG6 antibody for gluten-sensitivity-related ataxia, multimodal assessment of mitochondrial function in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and MND, and transcriptomic/proteomic datasets to identify therapeutic targets and pinpoint therapeutic responsiveness to novel compounds in MND.
The BRC harnesses NHS data to understand regional disease prevalence and improve disease prevention and health outcomes. The embedded EDI workstreams link with public health and primary care research networks to support underserved communities in South Yorkshire.
Yorkshire has some of the lowest survival rates from common cancers in the UK. The University of Sheffield, in collaboration with Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, has an ambitious 10-year cancer research strategy for improving outcomes in our populations.
The University is active in all areas of cancer research with international excellence including urological cancers, bone oncology, rare cancers and early-phase trials for novel approaches
View our cancer research pages
Academic trainees are able to become involved in the following specific areas:
- Cancer prevention and early diagnosis
- Digital health, big data, advanced diagnostic technologies and rethinking the delivery of cancer care
- Translational and precision cancer medicine
- Improving the outcomes for cancer patients
- Improving patient experience and value through PPIE
- Innovation in patient-reported outcome and experience measures
For further details on training posts under this theme, contact
ACFs/CLs can undertake research developing novel imaging and healthcare technologies and translating them for healthcare benefit.
Sheffield is a leading centre for imaging research with unique world-class facilities, including PET-MRI, hyperpolarised MRI, low-field MRI, high-resolution peripheral quantitative CT, and photon-counting CT (PCCT). Imaging is a strategic cross-faculty priority, supported by major investments (>£15M), including a £2M Imaging and Engineering theme, £4M oncological imaging platform, and a £2.5M NIHR-funded PCCT scanner.
The active imaging-AI team has secured £3M in funding linked to the Sheffield 3Dlab, and strong collaborations with Insigneo (£1.2M for paediatric bone modelling), the Centre for Machine Intelligence, and Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre. Past investments, including £10M for a PET-MRI scanner and £7.5M for hyperpolarised MRI technologies, have created a vibrant innovative research environment.
Sheffield Imaging provides a rich environment with five Professors, four senior imaging fellows/lecturers, five senior technical specialists, and over 15 PhD students. Academic trainees have successfully progressed from ACF to CL and Senior Fellowships and Professorships, securing funding (NIHR/Wellcome/UKRI/RCR/Topol/AMS) and industry partnerships (GE/AstraZeneca/GSK/Novartis/Pfizer). Imaging research has influenced European guidelines, informed industry trials, and many awards including the Future NHS parliamentary award.
Our research aligns with NIHR's priorities in AI, digital health, and precision medicine. Key innovative areas for trainee projects include:
- Assessing the clinical use of automated image-based measurements to enhance diagnostics and support clinical decisions
- Advanced imaging for deeper insights into disease mechanisms, including pulmonary hypertension, interstitial lung disease, and heart failure
- Pioneer imaging biomarkers for early diagnosis and treatment monitoring in drug development and trials
- Testing the value of AI reconstructions of low-field MRI for accurate, affordable, portable imaging in underserved regions
Infection and immunity
ACFs/CLs can undertake research into infectious diseases, host immunity, antimicrobial resistance, emerging infections, and global health.
Trainees will be supported by the Clinical Infection Research Group (CIRG) of six consultant-level clinical academics and early career researchers, and based in the Infection and Immunity BRC theme, with a £10M funding portfolio from UKRI, Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, innovation awards and industry (GSK, Moderna, AstraZeneca), and two NIHR capital grants (2018 £1.5M, 2023 £4.1M).
Research training opportunities include clinical trials, clinical epidemiology, statistical modelling, human challenge studies, in vitro laboratory immunology, genomics and mechanistic studies. Clinical training opportunities in the infectious diseases, microbiology and virology departments constitute the largest infection training centre in the UK, with ~20 trainees. The CIRG has supported four successful doctoral fellowship applications and currently hosts two ACFs and a CL.
Trainees can undertake projects in applied research including biomarker discovery and implementation, vaccine and monoclonal antibody development, immunisation optimisation, and design and evaluation of novel therapeutics.
Uniquely in the north of England, the CIRG harmonises infection science with large-scale clinical studies through inter-disciplinary collaboration and regional research with the Florey Institute of Infection (Health, Science, Engineering), the (£2M) NIHR Sheffield BRC -Infection and Immunity theme, South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw Pathology and SCHARR.
We undertake pioneering human challenge models of infection, including the only existing Staphylococcus aureus skin challenge model. A recent ACF doctoral fellowship was based on the world’s first Group A Streptococcus human challenge study in Africa (Gambia). We are leading the first national-scale study using routinely collected data to generate risk profiles for all respiratory viruses in clinically vulnerable/immunocompromised people. We are estimating disease burden and vaccine uptake nationally in specific high-risk groups, along with cost-effectiveness modelling to guide future vaccine policy.
ACFs/CLs can undertake cancer research with major themes of uro-oncology, bone-oncology, haemato-oncology, neuro-oncology, precision oncology, and rare tumours.
Our major oncology themes and extensive range of research programmes/projects (>200 researchers, funded by NIHR, MRC, CRUK, Wellcome Trust, Yorkshire Cancer Research, industry and other bodies) provide trainees with research training opportunities in internationally recognised clinical and laboratory research. Sheffield is a world-leading centre for uro-oncology (with an NIHR Professor), has an international reputation in bone oncology, and an increasing focus on precision oncology, neuro-oncology, digital health, breast/colorectal surgery and academic general practice.
The £40M+ royalty funding generated through developing Lynparza (see IAT programme overview) is focused on oncology research and is providing major new infrastructure and training opportunities in oncology. These are greatly enriching the research environment in which our clinical academic trainees can flourish. We have a strong track record of our ACFs/CLs progressing to prestigious PhD and other fellowships.
Trainees are encouraged to undertake clinical and laboratory-based projects in the main oncology themes and interdisciplinary projects involving health economics, biological sciences, social sciences, and engineering. Novel research programmes that can support new trainees include:
- Ex vivo screening technology to directly test large panels of drugs against individual patient’s tumour material (EVIDENT)
- Use of digital health to manage immunotherapy toxicity (E-IMMUNE), including establishing a new national toxicity database
- Focused uro-oncology clinical studies collecting patient outcomes (LABC),
- Early detection (YORKSURe) and screening (IMPROVE for prostate cancer)
- Use of anabolic agents to ‘reverse’ bone damage caused by bone metastasis (REGAIN)
- The Sheffield Living Biobank (SLB), one of the world's largest collections of intratumoral heterogeneity glioblastoma models.
Diabetes and Endocrinology
Trainees can undertake research within the Section of Diabetes and Endocrinology with five Professors (including a current and an Emeritus NIHR Senior Investigator), three Senior Lecturers and an NIHR Clinical Lecturer providing academic supervision. Clinical academics, collaborate with social scientists, data scientists, health economists, statisticians, and the clinical trials unit to deliver major NIH, UKRI, INNOVATE-UK and NIHR-funded evaluations. We have received >£5M funding in the last 5 years, and multiple REF impact case studies.
Our research addresses a number of the Diabetes UK-James Lind Alliance priorities for diabetes care. We are pioneering clinical research in structured education models, technology, hypoglycaemia, and diabetes complications particularly neuropathy with outputs influencing NICE guidance and clinical models used internationally.
In endocrinology we have pioneered entirely novel means of diagnosing life-threatening adrenal insufficiency in research funded by NIHR and MRC, with these being used internationally, rolled out into the NHS and informing NICE guidelines. In parallel, MRC-funded research is investigating an entirely novel intervention for the adverse metabolic and cardiovascular impact of common mild cortisol excess that affects around 3-5% of the ageing population.
Trainees can undertake projects integrated into our major research programmes, including
- Experimental medicine and larger-scale clinical trials investigating new interventions for mild cortisol excess
- Mendelian Randomisation studies investigating the impact of excess cortisol
- Ancillary studies as part of the CLEAR trial, an NIH-funded global trial comparing psycho-educational interventions vs technology to reverse or improve impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia
- Studies exploring the mechanisms and different approaches to prevent the cardiovascular consequences of hypoglycaemia in diabetes.
Cardiovascular disease
Trainees can undertake research into the following subthemes:
- Coronary artery disease: Research improving the care of patients with acute and chronic coronary syndromes.
- Pulmonary vascular disease: Research improving the care of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension
- Cerebrovascular disease: Research improving clinical outcomes and strategies for rehabilitation in patients with stroke
The Sheffield NIHR Biomedical Research Centre provides support through its core team and training academy for ACFs, CLs and other postgraduate researchers. The Cardiovascular Disease theme of the Sheffield NIHR BRC encompasses our key research areas of coronary artery disease, pulmonary vascular disease and cerebrovascular disease, all exploiting our large patient cohorts and world-leading expertise.
The Cardiovascular Disease theme involves over 50 researchers, including five clinical Professors of Cardiology/Cardiovascular Disease, two clinical Professors of Diabetes, one clinical Professor of Pulmonary Vascular Medicine, and one clinical Professor of Cerebrovascular Neurology. The theme collaborates closely with the Imaging and Engineering for Health theme of the BRC and the South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub in order to support multidisciplinary research.
The theme has generated multiple REF impact case studies such as the following:
New drug for heart attack victims
Long-term ticagrelor improves survival after heart attacks
Our areas of innovation and interdisciplinary research include
- pharmacological strategies improving outcomes for vascular disorders
- bringing virtual coronary physiology into clinical practice
- establishing novel stroke and PAH therapeutic targets
- developing computational, remote-monitoring and imaging methods for enhanced diagnosis and precision medicine
Rare diseases and genomic medicine
Trainees can undertake research that provides insights into rare diseases using clinical phenotyping, understanding disease mechanisms, and developing targeted therapies.
Trainees will be embedded in the Sheffield Clinical Genomics Service, a regional centre for genomic medicine, part of the North-East Yorkshire Genomic Medicine Service Alliance. There is strong research and clinical expertise at Sheffield in rare diseases.
Through whole exome and whole genome sequencing studies, in Sheffield we have revolutionised diagnosis for children and families with rare diseases whilst contributing nationally and internationally to large datasets. Sheffield was the largest recruiter to the DDD study: Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study-Sanger Institute, Cambridge for-exome sequencing in children with neurodevelopmental disorders with over 100 world-leading papers published in medical literature including publications in Nature, The Lancet and Nature Genetics, and generated a multitude of high-impact outputs.
Over the last couple of years, we have been working on a major research programme to develop a first-in-human Sheffield-based gene therapy for HNRNPU syndrome, with the primary research, development, manufacture (GTIMC) and delivery of this gene therapy where we have developed all the required committees and put approvals in place to deliver first-in-human gene therapy trials. This includes an AAV-9 gene therapy for childhood-onset Dravet syndrome.
We have two grants to develop gene therapy for HNRNPU, making this a strong impact case for 2035 REF submission, working closely with Professors Stuart Wilson at the School of Biosciences, Mimoun Azzouz and Guillaume Hautbergue in SiTRAN.
Sheffield has developed an international reputation for rare disease research with a particular focus on paediatric rare diseases. We have an established track record of leading major funding initiatives to accelerate paediatric rare disease, which includes a portfolio of funding from prestigious UKRI councils, NIHR and charitable funding including The Children’s Hospital Charity (TCHC) which remains a key funder of R&I and infrastructure projects within Sheffield Children’s Hospital. This has been evident from the recent £5m over 5 years investment into research.
We have strong links with the industry and are able to influence and develop commercial protocols. Our reputation has seen us chosen to host phase 1 rare disease trials led by Stoke, Biogen and Encoded. For Stoke, we achieved a global first recruit with Encoded, our first in human Gene Therapy AAV9 trial.
With colleagues at the Gene Therapy Innovation and Manufacturing Centre (GTIMC) at UoS (led by Professor Azzouz), we are well positioned to be working on future commissionable gene therapies for disorders with clinical and basic science expertise within Sheffield such as Osteogenesis Imperfecta and HNRNPU-related neurodevelopmental disorder as well as being able to deliver gene therapies manufactured at the GTIMC for children with SCH being a potential recruiting site.
Social care
The University of Sheffield has a rich tradition of research at the interface of health and social care, including in relation to both adults - through membership of the NIHR School of Social Care Research (SSCR) - and children and young people – through the South Yorkshire Children and Young People’s Health Research (SCYPHeR) collaborative.
The Sheffield SSCR is a collaboration between the Faculties of Social Sciences and Health and brings together multidisciplinary research and practice leads from the Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities (CIRCLE), the ESRC-NIHR Centre for Care (£10m), the ESRC-Health Foundation IMPACT Centre (£15m), Department of Sociological Studies, School of Education, and Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research (SCHARR). This brings significant expertise spanning co-production, disability, care workforce, technology-enabled care, innovations in care delivery, unpaid care, and inequalities in care access and outcomes.
Much of our work focuses on where health and social care systems meet and interact, recognizing that many of these challenges require integrated approaches across both sectors. There is clear scope for clinical research within these contexts, as evidenced by Carl Marincowitz, in the Centre for Urgent and Emergency Care (CURE), who is evaluating variation in referrals to emergency care among care homes.
SCYPHeR is a collaboration between Sheffield Children’s Hospital (SCH), the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam, with Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust and the Children’s Hospital Alliance. Its mission is to integrate research and clinical expertise with the single aim of improving child health in our region. A priority theme of this work is ‘Child Welfare and Safeguarding’, led by Professor Nathan Hughes (Social Sciences) and Dr Katie Ellis (Nursing and Midwifery), which includes concern with the interface between health services and the child protection system, social outcomes related to childhood developmental disability, and the health of children known to social services due to early life adversity. Current funded projects relevant to clinical practice, include a collaboration with Dr Sophie Parry-Okeden, emergency care consultant at SCH, on identifying and managing safeguarding concerns in front-line emergency care.
The Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience (SITraN) has a portfolio of NIHR-funded research at the interface of medicine and social care, which seeks to improve the delivery of person-centred care through more accurate and timely diagnosis, enhance post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia and long term neurological conditions, and optimise knowledge mobilisation in the social care workforce by understanding information needs and developing appropriate training and plans for implementation, guided by models of behaviour change.
Trainees can undertake projects integrated into SSCR and SCYPHeR thematic areas. For SSCR these could include:
- Social care transitions and coordination for people with multiple long-term conditions.
- Evaluating integrated discharge planning and community support.
- Co-producing joint health and social care services with marginalised communities.
- Critical evaluation of the role of technology in supporting at-home care.
- The interface of health and care data and analytical infrastructure.
For SCYPHeR, key themes may include:
- School and community rehabilitation following paediatric brain injury, including the role of biomarkers in predicting needs.
- Explaining the over-representation of autistic children in sexual assault referral centres observed locally and nationally.
- The impact of fear of child protection service involvement on parental health-seeking behaviours.