
Course code HES488
30 credits


Apply for an individual module

Key Dates

Start date: 24 September 2025

Mode of attendance

An online introductory learning day will be held where you will be able to meet your course tutors and fellow students.  You will be able to participate in online lectures, tutorials and workshops and further, periodic tutorials will be held online throughout the module.

Further details will be made available upon application.


To enhance knowledge of Stroke and enable practitioners working in the field of eye-care to have a comprehensive understanding of issues surrounding Stroke in relation to their clinical practice and that of related disciplines.

Overview of content:

  1. Mechanisms of stroke
  2. Stroke neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
  3. Emergency care and later medical treatment of stroke patients
  4. Specific issues regarding communication, speech and swallowing
  5. Specific issues regarding mobility and cognition
  6. Ocular motility disorders
  7. Post stroke visual impairment
  8. Post stroke perception deficits
  9. Emotional issues surrounding stroke and recovery
  10. Consent, advocacy and mental capacity in relation to stroke patients; the national stroke quality standards & local services

Who can study this module

This module is available to anybody with a relevant qualification in the eye care profession. Currently we have Ophthalmic nurses, Optometrists and Ophthalmologists studying with us.


If you study any two standalone modules from the Division of Ophthalmology and Orthoptics, these would be combined to enable the award of a Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits). Any four standalone modules would enable the award of a Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits) as long as the credits are gained within a five year time span.

You will receive a certificate of completion once you have successfully completed the module.

BIOS accreditation

This module has been awarded the course Level 2 accreditation by the British and Irish Orthoptic Society. 

How to apply for the module

Please visit our how to apply page.

Tuition fees for individual modules

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