Evidence Based Practice - online

Course code HES445
15 credits at level 7 (masters)


Who is it for?

Nursing or allied health professionals who wish to develop skills in critical appraisal and evidence utilisation.

Overview of content

  • The nature of evidence
  • asking appropriate questions
  • literature searching and retrieval
  • critical appraisal skills
  • utilisation, dissemination and implementation of evidence
  • the role of clinical expertise
  • patient values and preferences.

What is it about?

This unit explores the principles and practice of evidence-based practice and includes the core elements of; critical appraisal of the evidence, the place of clinical expertise in EBP, and the role of client values and preferences.

How does it enhance practice?

The consideration of best available evidence is an essential part of modern health care and alongside clinical judgement and patient preference makes a significant contribution to clinical outcomes.

Mode of assessment

A written assignment that allows the student to select a topic of relevant to their practice and demonstrate the stages of an evidence-based review and application.

Links to professional/academic award

This unit can be taken as a stand-alone unit.

Course structure on-line distance learning:

Start Date:  29 September 2025

Application and Funding

To apply for this course you need to complete an online application form and you can do this by visiting our how to apply page. A fees and funding form will automatically be sent on submission of your application form. Details of funding options can be found on our Funding Page.

If successful in your application for the course, you will receive a confirmation email closer to the start time.

Module Lead

Liz Mills (elizabeth.mills@sheffield.ac.uk)