Dr Madeleine Callaghan
School of English
Senior Lecturer in Romantic Literature

+44 114 222 8461
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School of English
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
I joined the School of English in September 2010 and I’m a senior lecturer in Romantic Literature. My primary research interest is the poetry of Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, and Yeats. I also have research interests in other Romantic poets and prose writers, Milton and Spenser, and in twentieth-century British and Irish poetry.
I read English at Durham University and stayed in Durham for my Masters and PhD. My monograph on Shelley, entitled Shelley’s Living Artistry: Letters, Poems, Plays, came out in 2017, and my second monograph, entitled The Poet-Hero in the Work of Byron and Shelley, came out in 2019. With Michael O’Neill, I co-edited Twentieth Century British and Irish Poetry: Hardy to Mahon (2011), and we also co-authored The Romantic Poetry Handbook (2018). I co-edited Romanticism and the Letter with Anthony Howe in 2020.
My most recent book is Eternity in British Romantic Poetry (2022). By way of an overview, the monograph, Eternity in British Romantic Poetry explores the representation of the relationship between eternity and the mortal world in the poetry of the period. This monograph will offer an original approach to Romanticism that demonstrates the dominant intellectual preoccupation of the period: the relationship between the mortal and the eternal. The aims of the project are two-fold: firstly, to analyse the prevalence and range of images of eternity (from apocalypse, and afterlife, to transcendence) in Romantic poetry; secondly, in opening up a new and more nuanced focus on how Romantic poets imagined and interacted with the idea of eternity, it challenges the assumption that the Romantic age should be considered through a contextual rather than a conceptual lens.
- Research interests
My primary area of interest is Romantic and post-Romantic poetry, and I have written extensively about the poetry of the Romantic period, particularly on Wordsworth, Byron, Shelley, and Yeats. I also have research interests in Milton, Coleridge, and in post-war British, American, and Irish poetry, particularly that of Louis MacNeice and John Berryman. I am particularly interested in the role and responsibility of the poet from the Romantic period to the present day. This was a point of serious debate in the Romantic period, from Shelley's sense of the “unacknowledged legislator” to Byron's mocking yet intense questioning of the place of poetry and the poet in culture. My work pays close attention to the workings of poetry to consider the contested significance and singularity of the poet to their culture.
My new project is to prepare a new edition of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s work for the 21st Century Oxford Authors series. In 2024, I took up the the Carr-Thomas-Ovenden Visiting Fellowship at the Bodleian Library at Oxford University to support the edition. This new edition will present selections of the poetry, drama, letters, and prose of Percy Bysshe Shelley for twenty-first century readers: scholars, postgraduates, undergraduates, and the general reader. This new edition provides a new breadth of selected poetry, detailed transcription, and comprehensively annotated texts, for which research in the Bodleian Special Collections is essential. It will contain newly edited versions of the selected texts and reveal the range and diversity of Shelley’s career as a poet, reading Shelley as a multi-faceted artist whose work spans a plethora of genres, themes, and concepts, and thus re-orientating readers’ understanding of Shelley from single issue interpretations.
- Publications
- The Poet-Hero in the Work of Byron and Shelley. London: Anthem Press.
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Edited books
- Romanticism and the Letter. Springer International Publishing.
Journal articles
- Byron as Others. The Byron Journal, 52(1), 65-80.
- Byron and his twentieth century poetic legacy : Yeats, Auden, Berryman. The Review of English Studies. View this article in WRRO
- “The artifice of eternity”: The Wanderings of Oisin and the Byzantium poems. Irish Studies Review, 27(2), 177-194. View this article in WRRO
- Shelley in Eternity. Essays in Criticism: a quarterly journal of literary criticism, 68(3), 308-326. View this article in WRRO
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- FORMS OF CONFLICT: BYRON'S INFLUENCE ON YEATS. English, 64(245), 81-98. View this article in WRRO
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- Nancy Moore Goslee, Shelley's Visual Imagination, Cambridge Studies in Romanticism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011), pp. vii + 275. £55.00 hardback. 9781107008380.. Romanticism, 19(2), 220-221.
- The Struggle with Language in Byron's 'Cain'. The Byron Journal, 38(2), 125-134.
- 'His mute voice': The two heroes of Adonais. Keats-Shelley Review, 24, 38-52.
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- Byron, Shelley, and Keats, and the Limits of Letters, Romanticism and the Letter (pp. 183-198). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction : Romanticism and the letter In Callaghan M & Howe A (Ed.), Romanticism and the Letter (pp. 1-14). Palgrave Macmillan View this article in WRRO
- The Lake Poets In Tuite C (Ed.), Byron in Context (pp. 190-196). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Letters In O'Neill M (Ed.), John Keats in Context (pp. 66-74). Cambridge University Press View this article in WRRO
- ‘Strong Ghosts’: Romantic Presences in Yeats’s Poetry, Romantic Presences in the Twentieth Century (pp. 27-42). Routledge
- Louis MacNeice and the Struggle for Romantic Identity, Legacies of Romanticism (pp. 149-164). Routledge
- Research group
I supervise and have been primary supervisor for several successful doctoral theses. These include work on Keats and pleasure and pain (funded by the Wolfson Foundation), Percy Bysshe Shelley and androgyny, pastoral poetry in the Romantic period, the second-generation Romantic poets and quest (AHRC funded) and a thesis on Owen and the Romantic elegiac tradition (funded by WRoCAH), as well as secondary supervising a number of other projects. I am interested in supervising PhD candidates in any of my research interests, especially in Romantic or post-Romantic poetry.
- Teaching activities
My research and teaching interests are closely related. I teach on the English Literature BA course and various Masters programmes. Modules that I contribute to at undergraduate level include "Romanticism to Modernism,” “The Invention of Romanticism,” plus my approved module for finalists, “Life After Death? Romantic Poets and Writing the Afterlife”
At postgraduate level, I am a member of the teaching team for various courses on the Masters degree, and co-convene (with Dr Anna Barton) two modules, "Love and Lyric" and "I want a hero: Romantic and Victorian Epic."
- Professional activities and memberships
I am a joint president of the International Association of Byron Societies (with Maria Schoina and Peter Francev)
I am one of the lead coordinators of the Established Researcher Forum at the University of Sheffield