Sheffield in September 

This blog is designed to be a quick snapshot of what you can expect from September and how you can learn a little more about our amazing city. 

Students walking on a pedestrianised area outside of the University's Jessop West building lined with trees

Sheffield in September 

This blog is designed to be a quick snapshot of what you can expect from September and how you can learn a little more about our amazing city. 

Why Sheffield? 

That’s a question we always hear people ask and when we tell them why there is always so much to say. A city on the door of the Peak District with a thriving community of over 60,000 students across both Universities, Sheffield is a dynamic and exciting place to call home. Exploring, learning and experiencing the combination of a brilliant city and fantastic subject is a great way to spend your Undergraduate time. Watch our video here to learn more. 

Reading suggestions 

We know that many of you might like to do some reading before you arrive to help you feel prepared, so we have put together a list of suggestions. Reading will also help you get a feel for which areas of English interest you the most.

Whether you've already applied to study one of our courses in the School of English or you're thinking about doing so, these reading lists will get you started when it comes to thinking about and studying English. Find our lists here

Getting involved

One of the many ways to meet new people and expand your horizons is to join a society or sports team. Our Students Union (SU) is consistently recognised as the No1 Students Union in the country and offers a whole range of sports, societies and clubs. This can be a great place to check out, particularly if you have a keen interest in something already or just want to try your hand at something new. Head over to our SU page for more information. Or why not check out the EngSoc page for more information about our brilliant English society. 

A student perspective 

One of the brilliant Digital Student Ambassadors has produced a great blog highlighting some of their favourite parts of the city and their experience. Why not grab a cuppa and have a read. 

Get in touch 

We’re a friendly, supportive and welcoming team that love to hear from our students. We can be reached via email, social media and in person in Jessop West. We’re here to help you get the most out of your university experience.

Search for a course

Use our search to find the right course for you.