Dr Meredith Warren awarded the prestigious Frank W. Beare Award by the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies.

Dr Meredith Warren was recently awarded the prestigious Frank W. Beare award for her brilliant book, Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean (Routledge 2022).

Book front cover
Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean book front cover

Dr Meredith Warren's book, Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean (Routledge 2022) was recently awarded the prestigious Frank W. Beare Award by the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies. 

The award was announced at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies at York University in Toronto, Canada on 27 May 2023. 

The Frank W. Beare Award “recognizes an outstanding book in the areas of Christian Origins, Post-Biblical Judaism and/or Graeco-Roman Religions… The category of “outstanding” ought to be understood expansively and may be characterized by persuasiveness and originality, theoretical or methodological innovation, intellectual creativity, and/or the high quality of scholarship that reaches beyond the academic guild and is public-facing.” 

To learn more about Jewish and Christian Women in the Ancient Mediterranean, visit: https://www.routledge.com/Jewish-and-Christian-Women-in-the-Ancient-Mediterranean/Parks-Sheinfeld-Warren/p/book/9781138543782  

And to read about the Frank W Beare award and see past winners, please see https://csbs-sceb.ca/frank-w-beare-award/

To hear the authors talk about their writing process and the book’s goals, visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s2e1-jewish-and-christian-women-in-the/id1587325469?i=1000547758365

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