Oscar Rafael Pupo Roncallo
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
PhD student

- Profile
PhD supervisors: Lin Ma, Derek Ingham, Mohammed Pourkashanian.
Research interests/project: Renewable energy, energy systems models, smart grids.
- Pupo, O., García S., Paternina, E., Bula, A., Cortina, A., Acuña, F. Comparison of two different vertical column photobiorreactors for the cultivation of Nannochloropsis sp. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology-JERT, vol. 135, no. 1, 7 pages, March 2013.
- García, S., Paternina, E., Pupo, O. R., Bula, A. and Di Mare, L. CFD simulation of multiphase flow in an airlift column photobiorreactor. Global NEST Journal, 16(6), 1121-1134, December 2014.
- Pupo, O., García, S., Valencia, G., Bula, A. Conceptual design of photobioreactor for algae cultivation. ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. 11-17 November 2011. Denver, Colorado, USA.
- García, S., Pupo, O., Corredor, L. Analysis of the potential production of second generation bioethanol and biodiesel from agro-industrial wastes in Colombia. Proceedings of the fourth International Mechanical Engineer Congress at Universidad del Norte. July 2009. Barranquilla, Colombia.
- García, S., Pupo, O., Corredor, L. Comparative analysis of the performance of a diesel engine fuelled with different mixtures of Biodiesel/Diesel (State of the Art). Proceedings of the third International Efficient and Rational Use of Energy Congress (CIUREE 2008). November 2008. Medellín, Colombia.
- Qualifications
- BSc in Mechanical Engineering
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering (concentration in Energetic conversion)