Mohamed El Sakka
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering
PhD student

- Profile
PhD supervisors: Professor Mohammed Pourkashanian, Professor Lin Ma and Professor Derek Ingham.
Research interests/project: Variable pitch vertical axis wind turbines
Research groups: Wind energy
- Abdelhamed, A. S., Yassen, Y. E. S., and El Sakka, M. M. (2014). Design optimization of three dimensional geometry of wind tunnel contraction. Ain Shams Engineering Journal.
- Yassen, Y. El-S. Abdelhamed, A. S. and El Sakka, M. M. (2014). An Investigation on Losses During Power Extraction from an Oscillating Wing. Al-Azhar Engineering Thirteenth International Conference
- Qualifications
- MSc Mechanical Power Engineering
- BSc Mechanical Power Engineering