Dr Antonio Navas

School of Economics

Senior Lecturer in Economics

Profile image for academic staff member Dr Antonio Navas
Profile picture of Profile image for academic staff member Dr Antonio Navas
+44 114 222 3325

Full contact details

Dr Antonio Navas
School of Economics
Room B13
Elmfield Building
Northumberland Road
S10 2TU

Antonio was awarded his PhD by the European University Institute in December 2006. After that he enjoyed a post-doctoral position in GREQAM (Universite d’Aix-Marseille) funded by the CNRS. He has taught several courses in both macroeconomics and microeconomics in leading universities in Spain including Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidad de Alicante.

He joined the School of Economics at the University of Sheffield as a lecturer in September 2012.

Research interests

Antonio's research is mainly in two fields: international trade, and economic growth. His interests cover a broad variety of research topics in these areas. Others include:

  • trade liberalisation and trade policies in models of trade with firm heterogeneity
  • foreign direct investment
  • technology adoption
  • trade and innovation
  • unified growth theory

Antonio is interested in supervising PhD students in international trade and economic growth.


Journal articles

Teaching activities

Antonio teaches teaches International Trade at the undergraduate and postgraduate level

  • ECN321 International Trade
  • ECN605 International Trade