Jiao Li


School of Economics

PhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant

Profile image for PhD student Jiao Li
Profile picture of Profile image for PhD student Jiao Li

Full contact details

Jiao Li
School of Economics
9 Mappin Street
S1 4DT

Jiao graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2018 with a MSc Internatioanl Finance and Economics and then continued her PhD study also at the University of Sheffield. Her thesis examines the consequences of mass-marketed tax avoidance schemes and how corporate tax avoidance and corpoorate governance affect firms' value in China. During her PhD studies, she also served as a teaching assistant in ECN118 Mathematical Methods for Economics, ECN202 Macroeconomic Principles and ECN6540 Econometrics Methods (Stata workshops).

Research interests
  • Tax Avoidance.
Research group


Teaching activities

Jiao currently teaches on the following modules:

  • ECN118 Mathematical Methods for Economics (tutorials)
  • ECN602 Applied Macroeconometrics (Stata workshops)
  • ECN6540 Econometrics Methods (Stata workshops)