Studying at a Russell Group University has helped my overall employability

MSc Economics and Public Policy postgraduate Mwanda Phiri at computer with colleague
Andrew Rosier
Masters student
MSc Economics and Public Policy
Andrew's course has inspired him to pursue a career in teaching.

I am currently studying MSc Economics and Public Policy. I chose this programme as I am interested in economic policy analysis and understanding how government decisions are made.

A large part of these decisions involves using econometric methods and statistical analysis, which happened to be my favourite modules during my undergraduate degree, but also my strongest academic skills I’ve used.

The course programme also goes into wider analysis in micro and macroeconomics, as well as additional options to cover financial and health economic modules, giving the programme a wider variety of choice.

The workload for my program is challenging, with some modules asking for multiple lecture readings, computer lab work and formative feedback essays to be completed every three weeks.

However, the content of each module has been interesting and there are lots of resources for students to access at all the libraries across the university campus, as well as the online resources which the University holds.

Furthermore, the departmental staff, whether they are academic lecturers, administration staff or postgraduate students who have been through the same experiences I have, are extremely helpful and always willing to point you in the right direction for both work and personal issues.

Student life

In addition to studying with the Department of Economics, I have had the opportunity to chair the Postgraduate Student-Staff Forum, an initiative introduced to allow communication between students and staff members on elements that are going well and others that could be improved.

Also, I was asked to be a mentor to some of the postgraduate cohort for this academic year which has helped me build up friendships and communicate with my course colleagues about their personal lives and cultures.

The students on the postgraduate economic degrees are mainly international and have a variety of cultural and ethnic backgrounds, reflecting the University’s pride in being an international University.

Andrew Rosier

MSc Economics and Public Policy

I have had the chance to speak to many of these students and not only learnt a bit about their cultures and work ethics but also been able to spread my own knowledge of British culture as well.

I have had the chance to not only balance my work with my course but also do a part-time job which hasn’t hindered my ability to do my degree. I am also a member of the Economics Society, the departmental society, which organises social and charity events for its members.

Recently, I took part in the Sheffield Half Marathon with some of the other members and raised over £500 for charity, which has a huge achievement for me.

Careers and life after University

My university experience from start to finish has been incredible but the best year of it was my Master’s year. I am looking to go into a teaching career after my degree.

I know that studying at one of the Russell Group universities has helped my overall employability, and being able to start my career with this confidence, I can honestly say I think I can achieve anything I want.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.