Case studies
We collaborate with external organisations in a variety of ways, ranging from long-term partnerships to one-off consultancy projects. The following case studies offer a snapshot of the many ways you can collaborate with us.
Zoo Digital
ZOO Digital works at the forefront of technology for dubbing speech in films and TV but needed a helping hand to make its next move.
Tinsley Bridge
The mutually beneficial relationship with engineering and manufacturing business Tinsley Bridge has supported skills development while driving innovation and technology adoption.
JRI Orthopaedics
From student placements to Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, the orthopaedic implants and surgical instrumentation manufacturer have collaborated with the University in many different ways.
LabLogic Systems Ltd
LabLogic Systems has collaborated closely with the University for many years, helping to deliver a step change in the company's approach to research and development.
District Eating
Specialist horticultural site development and consultancy District Eating have worked closely with the University since 2020.
PCAS Archaeology
Our expert consultancy has helped the company fulfil its obligations while revealing important insights into Britain's history.