There are so many opportunities as a plant scientist in Sheffield with the Peak District on our doorstep

Student profile - Rosie Dunkley
Rosie Dunkley
MBiolSci Plant Sciences
Rosie chose to study Plant Sciences at Sheffield due to the importance of the subject in combating climate catastrophe.
Student profile - Rosie Dunkley

“I chose plant science because I had always been fascinated by the natural world around me, in particular plants and their role in ecosystems. Plant science isn’t just learning about trees (although it does feature), it encompasses the way plants work, the environment in a wider context and how they will be pivotal in combating climate catastrophe and environmental change. Given the importance of this subject, it was a no brainer.

“I have most enjoyed the field courses interwoven into many of the modules. Even simple trips to the Peak District really bring plant science alive, and the opportunity to undertake a larger field trip in third year is not only really fun, it massively improves your skills as a scientist. Also, the flexibility of this course meant I could tailor it to my specific interests, which was a massive bonus for me.

I really cannot recommend this course enough, as it covers a broad spectrum of modules, with the tutor system offering further topics and discussion with an expert in their field. The frequency of field trips and ample lab time also means you get to know your course mates, and the societies at Sheffield mean you can pursue your interests even further!

Rosie Dunkley

MBiolSci Plant Sciences

“In third year, I’m looking forward to the opportunity of pursuing my own project, and getting to experience what executing my own research would be like. Third year also has some of the best plant science modules including sustainable agroecosystems and global change. I can’t wait!

“There are so many opportunities as a plant scientist in Sheffield with the Peak District on our doorstep and the ability to apply for Gatsby Plant Science schools.  If you’re interested in a specific area or are more of a generalist, there’s experience for everyone provided you’re willing to work! I really cannot recommend this course enough, as it covers a broad spectrum of modules, with the tutor system offering further topics and discussion with an expert in their field. The frequency of field trips and ample lab time also means you get to know your course mates, and the societies at Sheffield mean you can pursue your interests even further! 

“Once I complete my integrated masters course, I’d love to move onto a PhD focusing on global change!"

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