On my research placement I learned new things, improved my practical skills, and got an idea of what working in a research laboratory is like

Imogen Gatehouse
Imogen Gatehouse
My Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) placement
BSc Biochemistry and Genetics
Imogen joined Dr Dan Bose in our department to complete a Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) placement this summer. After working collaboratively to design the project proposal, Imogen was able to try new techniques and equipment and gain first hand experience of what it would be like to work in a research lab as a postgraduate student, helping her future career plans.
Imogen Gatehouse

"Last summer, I completed a summer project through the Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) scheme, which involved working in a Dr Bose’s lab.

"The SURE scheme was brought to my attention when we had a talk on the benefits of placements for future career prospects, and some of the year above came to talk to us about their experiences of placements. I decided that I wanted to seek a research placement to gain more confidence in my practical abilities and to enable me to make an informed decision about my future career and postgraduate education options.

"As SURE takes place over summer and in Sheffield, it seemed like the best fit for me, so I started looking into which members of staff were researching topics that were of particular interest to me, with the guidance of my tutor, Karim Sorefan. From my reading, Dr Bose’s work was most similar to my own interests, so I contacted him to ask if he would consider taking on a summer student which he kindly agreed to.

The project allowed me to see both what it was like to be a postgraduate student, and to work in a research lab. I definitely gained more confidence in my practical ability and particularly enjoyed the problem solving and the tissue culture elements of the project.

Imogen Gatehouse

BSc Biochemistry and Genetics

"We collaborated to form a project proposal which was of interest to both of us and enabled me to have the opportunity to try some different techniques and equipment, and to improve some procedures I had done before. The project allowed me to see both what it was like to be a postgraduate student, and to work in a research lab. I definitely gained more confidence in my practical ability and particularly enjoyed the problem solving and the tissue culture elements of the project. The research I was carrying out focused on the possible effect of a mutation in the catalytic domain of CBP on the expression of the Tal1 oncogene in mammalian cells, specifically human colon cancer cells.

"From my research placement experience, I learned many new things, improved my practical skills, met new people, and got an idea of working in a research laboratory so that I could make an informed decision about my future after graduating, including masters and PhD degrees and career opportunities. I thoroughly enjoyed my research experience and am very grateful to the members of staff and students who helped me complete the project, and the SURE scheme for the opportunity."

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