The highlight for me was the two months I spent in Tjärnö, Sweden

Sam Fenton look for wildlife in rockpools
Sam Fenton
Degree: MRes Evolution and Behaviour
Work placement: Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Infrastructure, Tjärnö, Sweden
Sam spent two months in Sweden as part of his MRes Evolution and Behaviour degree, completing field work investigating local adaptation in snails. In the future, Sam plans to complete a PhD to continue his study of evolution - a route he hadn't explored before he began this course.
Sam Fenton look for wildlife in rockpools

"I thoroughly enjoyed my three years in Sheffield while doing my undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Genetics so staying in Sheffield to do my Masters was always my first choice. I’d gained a keen interest in animal and plant evolution during my degree so I decided to look into the postgraduate options provided by the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences and the MRes in Evolution and Behaviour immediately stuck out to me.

The course places a really strong emphasis on research which is great as it really allows you time to develop your project and really make it your own. There’s such a wide range of research interests within the department which ensures that every student has the chance to do a project related to their field of interest.

Sam Fenton

MRes Evolution and Behaviour

"The course places a really strong emphasis on research which is great as it really allows you time to develop your project and really make it your own. There’s such a wide range of research interests within the department which ensures that every student has the chance to do a project related to their field of interest. The department did a great job at getting me up to speed with any processes and techniques I needed to know as well as helping me learn the ins and outs of R which has been a massive asset as I’ve carried out my research.

"The highlight for me so far was the two months I spent in Tjärnö, Sweden working at the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Infrastructure while I carried out the field work for my project investigating local adaptation in snails. Sweden is such an incredible country and the chance to be there on a Masters budget is pretty incredible. Everyone I worked with out there, as well as back in Sheffield, was incredibly welcoming and helpful and my time out there has really made me want do more research abroad or even study abroad in the future which is something I never thought I would do.

"My plan for the future is to do PhD to continue studying evolution which is a decision massively influenced by how much I have enjoyed this course. I would absolutely recommend this course to anyone who wants experience of what doing a PhD is like before going into one. The knowledge I’ve gained during my research and through the taught modules has put me in great stead for my future career aspirations."

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

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