Engineering You're Hired - Industry Mentor and Senior Mentor Days

We are looking for alumni and industry contacts familiar with engineering project design and implementation to support second year students with their skills development.

Engineering You're Hired industry assessor

Event details

Engineering You're Hired - Industry Mentor Day

Dates: February 2024

Indicative Times (TBC): 10:00-17:00


Venue: On campus 

Engineering You're Hired - Senior Industry Mentor Day

Date: February 2024

Time: 10:00 - 16:30 (with breaks)

Venue: On campus 

Engineering You’re Hired is a multidisciplinary project week for second year Engineering students. Working in multidisciplinary teams, students combine their knowledge to tackle a real-life problem to develop their planning and design skills. Student groups aim to take their proposed solution to the proof of concept stage towards the end of the week. Our Industry Mentor and Senior Industry Mentor days form an important part of this innovative project week, giving the students a valuable opportunity to engage with alumni and industry contacts who can share their expertise and advise on their projects.

Industry mentor description

 Wednesday 1 February 2023 10:00-17:00

Who we are looking for:

Alumni and industry contacts who are Engineers, Computer Scientists (or Scientists working in Engineering) and are familiar with engineering project planning and implementation.

Industry mentor role:

You will work with the student groups, bringing your real-world experience in project implementation to bear on their projects. 

Key tasks:

  • Mentors will be assigned to a hub of student groups to review their digital team profiles and provide feedback
  • Student groups will be able to ‘meet the experts’ as part of a panel Q&A
  • Mentors will join a staff member and PhD students for 'boardroom' sessions, during which you will give feedback on student presentations

Senior industry mentor description

February 2024 12:00-17:00

Who we are looking for:

Alumni and industry contacts who are in senior leadership and management positions in the Engineering and Technology Industry.

Senior mentor role:

Along with a member of staff and PhD facilitator, you will form a panel that students will pitch to for hypothetical funding for their project.

The students will present on the project design they have developed throughout the week and a plan of how to take it to the proof of concept stage.

Each panel will review six student groups and you will be able to ask questions about their proposal following the students' presentation.

The PhD Facilitator may highlight relevant questions on the technical proposal that has been submitted prior to the event, and other student groups will also be present and may also ask questions.

Following the showcase event, you are invited to attend the finale led by senior staff to announce the winning team from each hub.