Professor Julie McGarry
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
Professor of Nursing and Gender-Based Violence

+44 114 222 2078
Full contact details
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
Barber House
S10 2HQ
- Profile
Professor Julie McGarry is a registered nurse in adult and mental health fields of practice and an established researcher with expertise and professional background in the field of safeguarding (adults and children), gender-based violence, intimate partner violence/domestic abuse and sexual harm with a focus towards survivors' experiences and the development of effective multi-agency responses.
Julie has led on a number of funded research initiatives, working with international, national and local agencies in the development of safeguarding and domestic and sexual violence and abuse services for children and families and survivors of abuse. Julie's work predominantly utilizes a qualitative approach to enquiry including personal narrative, participant led co-production and ethnography - recent and current work includes older women and personal accounts of domestic abuse survivorship, sexual safety in mental health contexts and narrative accounts of FGM survivors.
Julie’s work is practice-focused, and she is passionate about research and the potential for research to both contribute to and lead in addressing real world priorities in health and wellbeing. Prior to joining the University of Sheffield in November 2021, most recently during COVID-19, Julie has been working with Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust within the Safeguarding Team as a Senior Safeguarding Lead and Trust Wide Lead for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Safety where she held overall responsibility for leading the domestic abuse and sexual safety research agenda, associated work streams and operational support for both staff and those accessing Trust services.
Julie has published widely and disseminated her work through national and international conferences and invited keynote speaker presentations.
Julie's current role is partnered with Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Open access co-production e-learning resources(2022) Academic Writing for Publication
(2021) Sexual Safety for Women in In-patient Mental Health Care
- Publications
- Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare. Routledge.
Edited books
- Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective. Springer International Publishing.
Journal articles
- The experiences, views and beliefs of emerging adults and their carers of receiving adult mental health services in the UK: a systematic review and meta-ethnography. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 12(4), 1-15.
- Accessing care services after sexual violence: A systematic review exploring experiences of women in South Africa. Curationis, 46(1), e1-e10.
- Experiences of healthcare staff in forensic care facilities supporting sexual violence survivors, in Tshwane, South Africa. Curationis, 46(1).
- From Silence to Voice: Understanding the experiences and healthcare and support needs of women in South Africa who have experienced sexual violence. Science Talks, 6, 100195-100195.
- Adolescent-to-parent violence : an audit of the prevalence in one sample and the response of agencies and professionals involved. Mental Health Practice, 26(1).
- Preparedness of Australian and British nurses and midwives about domestic violence and abuse. International Nursing Review.
- Spousal role expectations and marital conflict: perspectives of men and women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(9-10), NP7082-NP7108.
- Nurses', midwives' and students' knowledge, attitudes and practices related to domestic violence: A cross‐sectional survey. Journal of Nursing Management.
- How accurate and effective are screening tools and subsequent interventions for intimate partner violence in non-high-risk settings (IPV)? A rapid review. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 11(4), 273-300.
- How accurate and useful are published UK prevalence rates of intimate partner violence (IPV)? Rapid review and methodological commentary. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 11(2), 129-140.
- Supporting women’s sexual safety in acute mental health settings. Mental Health Practice, 24(4), 35-41.
- Silent voices: exploring narratives of women's experiences of health care professional responses to domestic violence and abuse. Journal of Medical Humanities, 42(2), 245-252.
- Research, education and capacity building priorities for violence, abuse and mental health in low- and middle-income countries: an international qualitative survey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
- Gender-based violence: a five-country, cross-sectional survey of health and social care students’ experience, knowledge and confidence in dealing with the issue. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 5(1), 129-147.
- Healthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of FGM in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic scoping review. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 14.
- Improving care for women and girls who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting: qualitative systematic reviews. Health Services and Delivery Research, 7(31), 1-216.
- Liar Laurie: breaking the silence on sexual assault. Journal of Mental Health, 28(4), 459-459.
- Evaluation of an evidence-based model of safeguarding clinical supervision within one healthcare organization in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 17(Supplement 1), S29-S31.
- Seeking culturally safe care: a qualitative systematic review of the healthcare experiences of women and girls who have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting. BMJ Open, 9(5).
- Exploring primary care responses to domestic violence and abuse (DVA): operationalisation of a national initiative. The Journal of Adult Protection, 21(2), 144-154.
- Intimate partner violence, post-traumatic disorders and menopausal symptoms. Evidence Based Nursing, 22(3), 90-90.
- Crossing cultural divides: a qualitative systematic review of factors influencing the provision of healthcare related to female genital mutilation from the perspective of health professionals. PLoS ONE, 14(3).
- ‘Hiding in plain sight’: Exploring the complexity of sexual safety within an acute mental health setting. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 28(1), 171-180.
- Nurse education and understanding related to domestic violence and abuse against women: an integrative review of the literature. Nursing Open, 5(3), 237-253.
- Supporting people who experience intimate partner violence.. Nursing Standard, 32(24), 54-62.
- Responding to domestic violence and abuse: Considerations for health visitors. Journal of Health Visiting, 6(2), 95-98.
- What are the experiences of seeking, receiving and providing FGM-related healthcare? Perspectives of health professionals and women/girls who have undergone FGM : protocol for a systematic review of qualitative evidence. BMJ Open, 7(12).
- What is home? An art-based workshop to explore the physical, relational and wellbeing properties of Home. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 8(3), 341-355.
- Understanding management and support for domestic violence and abuse within emergency departments: A systematic literature review from 2000-2015. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(23-24), 4013-4027.
- Unlocking stories: Older women's experiences of intimate partner violence told through creative expression. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24(8), 629-637.
- “Don’t judge me”: narratives of living with FGM. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 10(1), 4-13.
- Experiences and impact of mistreatment and obstetric violence on women during childbearing: a systematic review protocol. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 15(3), 620-627.
- Domestic violence and abuse: an exploration and evaluation of a domestic abuse nurse specialist role in acute health care services. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26(15-16), 2266-2273.
- Researching domestic violence and abuse in healthcare settings: Challenges and issues. Journal of Research in Nursing, 21(5-6), 465-476.
- Older women, intimate partner violence and mental health: a consideration of the particular issues for health and health care practice.. Journal of Clinical Nursing.
- A literature review of intimate partner violence and its classifications.. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
- Identifying signs of intimate partner violence. Emergency Nurse, 23(9), 25-29.
- Preparation for safeguarding in UK pre-registration graduate nurse education. The Journal of Adult Protection, 17(6), 371-379.
- Developing a structured approach to safeguarding education. Nursing Standard, 30(14), 44-48.
- An exploration of the perceptions of emergency department nursing staff towards the role of a domestic abuse nurse specialist: a qualitative study. International Emergency Nursing, 23(2), 65-70.
- The development of a shared e-learning resource across three distinct programmes based at universities in England, Ireland and Scotland. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 52(4), 393-402.
- RESPONSES TO DISCLOSURE OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN THE ED. Emergency Medicine Journal, 31(9), 787.2-787.
- An exploration of service responses to domestic abuse among older people: findings from one region of the UK. The Journal of Adult Protection, 16(4), 202-212.
- Responding to domestic violence in acute hospital settings. Nursing Standard, 28(34), 47-50.
- An integrated educational model for graduate entry nursing cirriculum design. Nurse Education Today, 34(1), 145-149.
- A Different Drum. Nursing Science Quarterly, 26(3), 267-273.
- Developing a new post for nurses to identify cases of domestic abuse. Emergency Nurse, 21(3), 16-18.
- Safeguarding and domestic abuse: An intersection for future policy and practice development. Journal of Care Services Management, 6(4), 156-160.
- Improved safeguarding of older people through inter-agency learning. Nursing Older People, 24(10), 14-18.
- A key transition for student nurses: The first placement experience. Nurse Education Today, 32(7), 779-781.
- Reflexivity and habitus: opportunities and constraints on transformative learning. Nursing Philosophy, 13(3), 189-201.
- Interprofessional education: Innovation in action. Nurse Education in Practice, 12(1), 1-2.
- Domestic abuse and older women: exploring the opportunities for service development and care delivery. The Journal of Adult Protection, 13(6), 294-301.
- Maximising graduate status in pre-registration nursing programmes: Utilising problem based learning. Nurse Education in Practice, 11(6), 342-344.
- The impact of domestic abuse for older women: a review of the literature. Health & Social Care in the Community, 19(1), 3-14.
- Relationships between nurses and older people within the home: exploring the boundaries of care. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 5(4), 265-273.
- Exploring the effect of conducting sensitive research. Nurse Researcher, 18(1), 8-14.
- How domestic abuse affects the wellbeing of older women. Nursing Older People, 22(5), 33-37.
- Nursing students’ experiences of care. Nursing Older People, 21(7), 16-22.
- Student life-Seeing the person. Nursing Standard, 23(49), 61-61.
- Identifying, reporting and preventing elder abuse in the practice setting. Nursing Older People, 21(1), 33-39.
- Identifying, reporting and preventing elder abuse in the practice setting.. Nurs Older People, 21(1), 33-39.
- Raising awareness of elder abuse in the community practice setting. British Journal of Community Nursing, 14(7), 305-308.
- Defining roles, relationships, boundaries and participation between elderly people and nurses within the home: an ethnographic study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 17(1), 83-91.
- Identifying, reporting and preventing elder abuse in the practice setting. Nursing Standard, 22(46), 49-55.
- Nursing students and elder abuse: developing a learning resource. Nursing Older People, 19(2), 27-31.
- Nursing relationships in ethnographic research: what of rapport?. Nurse Researcher, 14(3), 7-14.
- Exploring the significance of place in community nursing. British Journal of Community Nursing, 9(7), 302-304.
- The essence of ‘community’ within community nursing: a district nursing perspective. Health & Social Care in the Community, 11(5), 423-430.
- Why patients don’t take part in cancer clinical trials: an overview of the literature. European Journal of Cancer Care, 12(2), 114-122.
- Management of pain in older people within the nursing home: a preliminary study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 10(6), 464-471.
- Informal caring in late life: a qualitative study of the experiences of older carers. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(2), 182-189.
- Can over-75 health checks identify unmet need?. Nursing Standard, 13(33), 37-39.
- Corrigendum: Experiences of healthcare staff in forensic care facilities supporting sexual violence survivors, in Tshwane, South Africa. Curationis, 47(1).
- Corrigendum: Accessing care services after sexual violence: A systematic review exploring experiences of women in South Africa. Curationis, 47(1).
- Nurses’ experiences of perceiving violence and abuse of women in Saudi Arabia: A phenomenological study. International Nursing Review.
- Experiences of healthcare staff in forensic care facilities supporting sexual violence survivors, in Tshwane, South Africa. Curationis, 46(1).
- Intimate Partner Violence, Gender-Based Violence: A Comprehensive Guide (pp. 81-90). Springer International Publishing
- Lessons Learnt and Way Forward, Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 155-164). Springer International Publishing
- Proximity, Accessibility, Sensitivity, Voice: The Possibilities for Arts-Based Approaches in Healthcare, Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 31-40). Springer International Publishing
- Violence, Abuse and Coercive Control in Pregnancy and Early Parenting, Perspectives on Midwifery and Parenthood (pp. 121-131). Springer International Publishing
- Use of Writing Letters and Other Literature Forms to Capture Experiences of Research Participants, Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 121-135). Springer International Publishing
- Classifications of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions (pp. 35-49). Springer International Publishing
- Domestic Violence and Abuse: Theoretical Explanation and Perspectives, Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions (pp. 17-33). Springer International Publishing
- Domestic Violence and Abuse and Working with Other Agencies, Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions (pp. 123-135). Springer International Publishing
- Introduction to Domestic Violence and Abuse Within Healthcare Contexts, Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions (pp. 1-15). Springer International Publishing
- Refection and Implications for Healthcare Practice, Domestic Violence in Health Contexts: A Guide for Healthcare Professions (pp. 137-144). Springer International Publishing
- The Invisibility of Older Women as Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Violence Against Older Women, Volume I (pp. 41-55). Springer International Publishing
- Older women and domestic violence (pp. 10-11). RCN Publishing Ltd.
- Research Methods for Nursing and Healthcare. Routledge.