Sheffield’s placements helped me understand the patient journey

A student stood in front of a court yard outside Firth Court
Eléna Starsong
BMedSci Nursing (Adult)
Eléna decided to return to university during the pandemic and study nursing. Eléna - who is now a PhD student at the University - explains how important the locality-based placements were to their training.
A student stood in front of a court yard outside Firth Court

Why did you decide to study nursing?

"I came to nursing quite late, having done a different degree and lots of other jobs. The pandemic gave me the chance to really re-evaluate what I wanted to do with my life. Like a lot of people I chose nursing because I wanted to make a difference to people’s lives. I wanted something practical and useful but also something that would open more doors - there is so much you can do with a nursing degree!"

What drew you to the course at Sheffield?

"I chose Sheffield mostly because of the cohort size (which tend to be quite small) and because their placements were based in one locality instead of moving between several. It meant I could really get to know the hospital or community trust I’d work in once I qualified, and it was easier to understand the patient journey too. I saw patients in one hospital placement and then several months later saw them again on a community placement after they’d been discharged! "

What did you enjoy most about your degree?

"I really enjoyed the academic side but I also had some amazing placement experiences."

One of my first year placements was district nursing and I absolutely loved that; by the end of the 6 weeks I was leading a clinic of patients. That was the first time I really felt like a nurse I think!

Eléna Starsong

"I was also part of the 150 Leaders programme run by the Council of Deans of Health - I learnt so much through the programme and met some incredible students across nursing and allied health courses. It opened up a lot of opportunities for me within the course and beyond."

Tell us more about your experience on placement?

"I had such a variety of placements, including elective orthopaedics, general surgery, neurological rehabilitation, district nursing and respiratory medicine. I also shadowed specialist nurses in hospitals, such as the infection control and discharge teams. It was really interesting to get to learn more about nursing roles I wouldn’t experience as a full placement."

Do you have any advice for someone hoping to study nursing at Sheffield?

"If possible try and get some work or volunteering experience related to healthcare. It really does help! It’s really important to understand what nursing is really like too. It is hard work and it is a very full on course but it is so rewarding. Speak to any nurses, or nursing students, you know and read up on some of the current issues in nursing. Anything to give you some insight into what it’s like to be a nurse. "

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