Using initial design and specifications from Thales Alenia Space, partner Rutherford Appleton Laboratory has designed this common SWIRup test tool. It offers two operating configurations:
- Standard detector testing by Thales Alenia Space (fig. 1).
- Hyperspectral imaging using a HySpex spectrometer from Norsk Elektro Optikk (fig. 2).
The standard detector testing will include photoresponse, detector linearity, temporal and spatial noises in a radiometric configuration and MTF measurements at 3 SWIR wavelengths. In hyperspectral imaging, the test tool will enable an experimental comparison between the SWIRup III-V detectors and commercial MCT detectors.
This important technology comparison is made possible, owing to the test tool's bespoke vacuum chamber and video acquisition system. The video acquisition system is custom-designed, including 18-bit ADC and front-end electronics integrated within the cryostat completed by a National Instruments PXI platform.