Centre for International Research on Care, Labour and Equalities (CIRCLE) Re-launch

Event details
Reclaiming a positive future vision of caring from the perma-crisis of social care
Social care is an essential part of how we take care of each other and support everyone to live a life of citizenship. But as an essential public service, social care has struggled to obtain the recognition and resources made available to other public services. It has perhaps suffered more than most from austerity and from the programme of marketisation that began in the 1980s. Dr Simon Duffy of Citizen Network, who led the development of personal budgets, will share his perspective on the development of social care, what has been achieved and where we still need to make progress. He will suggest that the new horizon for social care is Neighbourhood Care - a change in how we organise social care - but more importantly a change in how we live together. At the heart of this change is the need to shift how we value work, caring and the communities where we live.
CIRCLE has a long and successful history, having been led by its founding director Professor Sue Yeandle for nearly 20 years. It is 'home' to the ESRC Centre for Care, and the Sheffield 'branch' of IMPACT, the adult social care evidence implementation centre. When Professor Yeandle stood down from her role last year, Liam Foster and Nathan Hughes took over its leadership, with the aim to 'relaunch' the centre to reflect a broader range of themes and topics related to care, and re-engaging with local networks, people, services and communities.
Chairs: Professors Liam Foster and Nathan Hughes
Speaker: Dr Simon Duffy, Director: Citizen Network Research; President: Citizen Network Coop;Co-Chair; SDS Network
If you have any questions, please contact foss.events@sheffield.ac.uk