X-ray scattering
Our small-angle X-ray scattering equipment includes the UK's first SAXS instrument to be equipped with a liquid gallium X-ray source. This high-intensity beam means samples can be analysed in minutes, not hours.

A wide range of thin film and nanomaterial structures can be studied at scales ranging from 0.1nm to 500 nm. This allows scientists to carry out detailed measurements without applying for beamtime at a large-scale synchrotron facility. As a result, experiments can be completed in significantly shorter timeframes, and researchers can get full access to our sample preparation and analysis expertise.
Xenocs Xeuss 2.0 SAXS/WAXS beamline
- Performs structural characterisation of materials by small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS/WAXS), and grazing-incidence small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (GiSAXS/GiWAXS)
- Materials include colloids, dispersions, nanoparticles, thin films, liquids, gels, polymers, biopolymers, proteins and liquid crystals
- First in the UK to be equipped with Excillum MetalJet liquid Gallium X-ray source, plus Dectris Pilatus 1M pixel detector, Ga Ka X-ray radiation and q range 0.001-4.0 Angstrom-1
- Instrument can be coupled with a shear cell for rheo-SAXS measurements and with heating/cooling devices to perform X-ray scattering measurements of materials in a temperature range from -100 to 300 degrees C
Bruker Nanostar SAXS instrument
- Performs structural characterisation of materials by small-angle X-ray scattering
- Materials include colloids, dispersions, nanoparticles, liquids, gels, polymers, biopolymers, proteins and liquid crystals
- Modified with motorized scatterless slits, Genix 3D Xenocs microfocus Cu Ka X-ray source and q range 0.008-2.5 Angstrom-1.