Dr Rebecca Ogden
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Lecturer in Modern Languages, Media and Culture studies

Full contact details
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
Dr Rebecca Ogden is lecturer in Modern Languages, Media and Culture studies, with an expertise in Mexico and Cuba and a particular interest in the cultural politics of reproduction and health more broadly.
Her current project, an AHRC-funded Research, Development and Engagement fellowship (2023-2025), focuses on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and young parenthood in Mexico, Cuba and Colombia.
A previous British Academy/Leverhulme funded project focused on the representation of the politics of childbirth and midwifery in contemporary Mexican cultural production. Rebecca coordinates a podcast about the cultural politics of reproduction in Latin America, called Cuerpa Politica.
Another research interest concerns the negotiation of culture, identity and affect in the contexts of tourism and nation branding. She is the co-editor of Branding Latin America: Strategies, Aims, Resistance (2018). Before joining the University of Sheffield in September 2023, Rebecca worked at the University of Kent and in universities in Mexico and Argentina. She completed an AHRC-funded PhD at the University of Manchester on the dynamics of affect in contemporary Cuban tourism.
- Qualifications
MA in Latin American Studies, University of Manchester, 2010
PhD Latin American Studies, University of Manchester, 2015
PGCHE (Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education), University of Kent (2018)
- Research interests
- New media and digital cultural studies
- Reproductive health, justice and politics in Latin American culture, especially teenage parenthood and reproductive health and representations of childbirth, pregnancy and midwifery.
- The intersection of market forces and articulations of national identity, especially in the contexts of tourism and nation branding
- Teaching activities
In the academic year 2023-24 I will be contributing to:
- MDL500
- MDL600
- MDL405 Migration and its Representations
- MDL622 Research Methods
Current PhD student: Angela Sandoval (CHASE Collaborative Doctoral award with El Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural Juan Marinello, Havana) – ‘Digital art and its creators in Cuba: Identity, cultural change, and conceptualisations of revolution’.
I welcome applications for doctoral study in my areas of research expertise.
- Professional activities and memberships
I currently serve as Ordinary Committee member for the Society of Latin American Studies and I am also member of the following Learned Societies:
- Cuba Research Forum
- Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI)
- Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
- Women in Spanish and Portuguese (WISPS)
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2018)
- PGCHE (Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education), University of Kent (2018)