Dr Nicole Baumgarten
School of Languages and Cultures
Senior Lecturer in Translation and Intercultural Communication Studies

Full contact details
School of Languages and Cultures
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
I am a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Intercultural Communication Studies. I have an MA in English Philology, Modern and Medieval History and Law (University of Kiel, Germany) and obtained my Dr. phil. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Hamburg (Germany) for research on multimodal translation inside the Research Centre on Multilingualism (funded by the German Science Foundation). Before coming to Sheffield I held a position as associate professor of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Southern Denmark. I joined the School of Languages and Cultures in 2016.
A selection of my publications can be found on ResearchGate.
- Research interests
My field of research is in Applied Linguistics. My research interest in general lies in the linguistic construction and negotiation of concepts and social categories in communication across languages and cultures. I focus in particular on multilingual, intercultural and transnational settings in which people have to operate on the basis of reduced common ground and elusive frames of reference. The aim of this work is to arrive at an understanding of the socio-communicative consequences of linguistic choice when people engage in cross-linguistic and intercultural communication. The results of this research add a factual base to societal debates about, for example, the usefulness of foreign language learning, the role of English as a ‘global’ language, the need for professionalisation in the languages services industry, social exclusion and inclusion processes, and the role of language for communication.
Current projects and research areas include:
- Production and perception of online hate speech
- Language-based discrimination in the services industry
- Optimizing entertainment localisation
- Cultural requirements engineering (incl. culture-specific attitudes towards technological innovation)
- Second language development and use
- Publications
- Subjectivity in Language and Discourse. BRILL.
Edited books
- Linguistic Discrimination and Cultural Diversity in Social Spaces: Special Edition of the Journal of Language and Discrimination, 3(2). Equinox Publishing. View this article in WRRO
Journal articles
- Causes of adverse events in home mechanical ventilation: a nursing perspective. BMC Nursing, 21(1).
- Love as a term of address in British English: micro-diachronic variation. Contrastive Pragmatics - A Cross-Disciplinary Journal. View this article in WRRO
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- Patterns of othering minority groups in telephone gatekeeping encounters in the Sheffield property market. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 3(2), 120-149. View this article in WRRO
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- I think and I don’t know in English as lingua franca and native English discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 42(5), 1184-1200.
- Writer construction in English and German popularized academic discourse: The uses of we and wir. Multilingua - Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication, 27(4), 409-438.
- Explicitness in translation and interpreting: A critical review and some empirical evidence (of an elusive concept). Across Languages and Cultures, 9(2), 177-203.
- Converging conventions? Macrosyntactic conjunction with English and and German und. Text & Talk - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language, Discourse Communication Studies, 27(2), 139-170.
- English asLingua Francain Covert Translation Processes. The Translator, 10(1), 83-108.
- Recurrent Multiword Sequences in L2 English Spoken Academic Discourse: Developmental Perspectives on 1<sup>st</sup> and 3<sup>rd</sup> Year Undergraduate Presentational Speech. Nordic Journal of English Studies, 13(3), 1-1.
- Code-switching as appraisal resource in talking about third parties. Linguistik Online, 51(1).
- Yeah, that’s it!: Verbal Reference to Visual Information in Film Texts and Film Translations. , 53(1), 6-25.
- Chapter 9. And the postcode darlin’ . Vocative variation in service encounters on the telephone in Northern England, It's different with you (pp. 220-244). John Benjamins Publishing Company
- Introduction, It's different with you (pp. 1-12). John Benjamins Publishing Company
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- Introduction, Subjectivity in Language and Discourse (pp. 1-14). BRILL
- Metadiscourse and the Construction of Speaker Identities in L2 Academic Presentational Talk, Subjectivity in Language and Discourse (pp. 157-192). BRILL
- Linguistic variation through language contact in translation, Language Contact and Contact Languages (pp. 293-316). John Benjamins Publishing Company
- 8. Speaker stances in native and non-native English conversation:I+ verb constructions, Receptive Multilingualism (pp. 195-214). John Benjamins Publishing Company
- The interaction ofspokennessandwrittennessin audience design, Multilingual Communication (pp. 63-86). John Benjamins Publishing Company
- Introduction: New questions in research on multilingual identities in migration contexts. Inke Du Bois and Nicole Baumgarten, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- The role of public opinion in argumentation: Immigrants in the French radio broadcast Là-bas si j’y suis. Heike Baldauf-Quilliatre, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- Made in Berlin: Bilingualism and identity among immigrant and German-background children. Janet M. Fuller, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- Loving Bollywood and being Dutch: Language choice and identity issues among Surinamese-Hindustani women in Amsterdam. Dipika Mukherjee, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- Indigenous and immigrant identities in multilingual Israel: Insights from focus groups and discourse analysis. Dafna Yitzhaki, Carmit Altman, Zhanna Feldman-Burstein, LeorCohen and Joel Walters, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- Deutsche or rusaki? Transformations of the cultural selfconceptions after (r)emigration. Katharina Meng and Ekaterina Protassova, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- Communicative practices among migrant youth in Germany: ‘Insulting address forms’ as a multi-functional activity. Susanne Günthner, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- Asian American girls who speak African American English: A subcultural language identity. A. Lane Igoudin, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
- ‘And then I had to hold my first Referat on Beethoven as a politischer Mensch’: Multilingual identities and L1 languageloss of US Americans in Germany. Inke Du Bois, Multilingual Identities: New Global Perspectives Peter Lang
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Conference proceedings papers
- L2 English Academic Speaking Development: Insights from a Multilingual University Context. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences View this article in WRRO
- Causes for Adverse Events in Home Ventilation: A Nursing Perspective, Research Square.
- Subjectivity in Language and Discourse. BRILL.
- Research group
I welcome research students who are interested in applied linguistics in its broadest sense. Qualitative, multiple and mixed methods approaches, interdisciplinary research, as well as collaborations with institutions and organizations outside the University, are all welcome. Interesting topics include but are not restricted to the following
- Individual multilingualism (from a socio-cultural perspective)
- Intercultural communication
- Interpersonal communication
- English as a Lingua Franca
- Translation and localization
- Multimodal communication (including audiovisual translation)
- Intercultural/contrastive pragmatics
- (Comparative/diachronic) register analysis
- Communication in organizations and institutions (including web-based communication)
- Business communication
- Interaction with technology (including user studies)
- Technology and science communication
- Risk, health and safety communication
- Medical communication
- Second language use
- Second language identities
- Teaching activities
- Language in Context
- Language at Work
- Concepts and Approaches in Intercultural Communication
- Intercultural Communication in Practice
- Concepts and Approaches in Translation Studies
- Theory and Practice of Subtitling
- Global Languages
- Study and Dissertation Support
- Introductory Linguistics for Modern Languages