Dr Jane Woodin
BA (Bristol), PGCE (Liverpool), MA, (Sheffield) PhD (Sheffield)
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Programme Leader for MA in Intercultural Communication
Senior University Teacher

+44 114 222 0635
Full contact details
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
General information
After my first degree in French and Hispanic Studies and subsequent PGCE (Post-Graduate Certificate in Education), I worked in a range of educational settings including secondary, community, adult and further education. My first higher education post was at the University of Leon, Nicaragua (1988-90). I lived in Nicaragua for four years, working in both higher and popular education, as well as supporting small-scale development projects across the country. I came to the University of Sheffield in 1993 as Spanish Co-ordinator with the Modern Languages Teaching Centre, which now caters for over 1000 students a year. During this time, I completed an MA in Applied Linguistics and subsequently a PhD, focusing on Interculturality and Tandem Learning.
I moved on to develop postgraduate programmes. I set up and taught on the RSA Certificate in Teaching Languages to Adults (1995-2000). More recently I designed and developed the MA in Intercultural Communication in (2003) and the MA in Intercultural Communication and International Development (2012) which have been running successfully ever since, attracting students from across the world, who have subsequently gone on to a wide range of fascinating careers. Through extensive periods of living abroad for personal, academic and professional reasons, my experiences of being ‘other’, and living differently have influenced my approach to life and academic study and inspired my commitment to the intercultural programmes. I was promoted to Senior University Tutor in 2010. In 2018 I was awarded a Senate Award for Sustained Excellence in Learning and Teaching in recognition of my contribution to excellent teaching over a number of years.
My research and teaching interests coincide considerably as my publications show. I have developed an increasing interest in dialogic approaches to intercultural development, and more recently in the area of internationalisation in Higher Education. I have an interest in the application of this work in community and professions outside the confines of the university, and have been involved in a number of intercultural development initiatives. I have also undertaken interpreting and translation for international delegations in Central America as well as for Australian TV, and advised on subtitling of Latin American documentaries.
I am a member of the Sheffield –Estelí Society Nicaraguan twinning, and through this have supported the training of students on an annual cultural exchange programme. I am also a keen cyclist and aspiring Argentinian tango dancer.
- Post-Graduate Development Lead (School of Language and Cultures), (2018-)
- Director of Learning and Teaching (SLC), (2015-8)
- Programme Lead for the MA in Intercultural Communication (2003-2024) and MA in Intercultural Communication and International Development
- Director of Postgraduate Studies (SLC) 2010-2020
- Member of Faculty Graduate Committee (2010-20) and Faculty Learning and Teaching committee 2015-20
- Member of School Executive Board (2008-2020)
- Research interests
My research and teaching interests overlap considerably, and I am jointly passionate about them. I have a strong interest in the role of language in everyday life and the professions, including the adoption and change of identities and identification processes, interaction between speakers of different languages, roles of equality and inequality in language use. My research includes discourse and conversation analysis with a strong focus on intercultural communication, in particular in relation to self-other positioning and identification in interaction. I have also recently developed an interest in internationalisation processes in higher education, and the role of intercultural dialogue in developing intercultural competence and citizenship. Underlying my work is a desire to understand how we use language and ‘culture’ to create and contest equal relationships of respect, and a strong interest in pedagogical development.
- Research group
I am a member of the Centre for Linguistic Research and the Migration Culture and Community research clusters within SLC.
I am a founding member of the British Association of Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group in Intercultural Communication (BAAL SIG in IC). I am also an active member of Member of CULTNET: Intercultural Community for Researchers and Educators, and the International Association of Language and Intercultural Communication (IALIC)
PhD Supervision
I currently supervise the following PhD students:
- Primary supervisor:
Andrea Antoniou: An Ethnography of life in the Larissa Refugee Camp in northern Greece (WroCaH Scholarship)
Rob Fritz: Intercultural competence and global-mindedness in the Japanese context
Completed PhDs under my supervision:
- Primary supervisor:
Nahed Arafat: The role of language in facilitating trans-cultural mental health work (WRoCAH Scholarship)
Melina Bangert: Narrative approaches to identity and whiteness in intercultural contexts (ARHC-funding)
- Co-supervision:
Kirsty Hemsworth: Translation and/as Empathy: Mapping Translation Shifts in 9/11 Fiction (Faculty Funding)
Suzie Holdsworth: Multilingualism and representation of Citizenship in the EU context (Faculty Fee-waiver)
- Grants
2011: $20,000 research project for the International Baccalaureate Research Office, on the term ‘international-mindedness. The results of the project can be found in Castro, Lungdren and Woodin (2011) and can be found here: http://www.ibo.org/globalassets/publications/ib-research/imeufullreportfinal.pdf
2009: £400 for British Association of Applied Linguistics/Cambridge University Press Seminar ‘Key Themes in Intercultural Communication Pedagogy’ Held in Sheffield July 2009. (With Gibson Ferguson, Valerie Hobbs & Lesley Walker).
2003: £8000 (sole applicant) Knowledge Transfer bid for joint KE project with Gripple UK (http://www.gripple.co.uk/)
1999-2001: £250,000 HEFCE funding for the DEVELOP peer observation project with Leeds Metropolitan University
- Teaching activities
I developed the content for the core modules in the Intercultural Communication Master’s programmes and contribute across the School’s MA programmes
I convene and/or teach on the following modules:
- Concepts and Approaches in Intercultural Communication
- Intercultural Communication in Practice
- Ethnography/Reflective Practice
- Intercultural Tandem Learning
- Research Methods in Modern Languages and Cultures
I contribute to the following modules:
- International Project Management
- Critical Reading and Writing
- Spanish-English Translation
- Dissertation support
Teaching-related awards:
Name of Award Awarding Body Date of Award Achievement cited Supervisionary Award Graduate School, University of Sheffield Autumn 2019 Excellent Supervisor (nominated by PGR students) Senate Award in Learning and Teaching University of Sheffield Spring 2019 Sustained Excellence (teaching, engagement and internationalisation) Exceptional Contribution Award University of Sheffield 2011 Cohesion of MA programmes Exceptional contribution Award University of Sheffield 2010 Integration of MA programmes into School of Languages and Cultures Exceptional contribution Award University of Sheffield 1995 Contribution to teaching development
- Professional activities and memberships
Selected Presentations
BAAL/CUP Seminar paper: Tandem learning, Native/ intercultural speaker: Evidence from tandem learner conversations, Sheffield July 2009
2008 Woodin British Association of Applied Linguistics 41st Annual Conference (Swansea), conference proceedings, ‘Cultural Categorisation’ (paper presented within the colloquium ‘Discourses, Communication and Interculturality’)
Invited presentations
Tandem Learning: Opportunities and challenges: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) 20.04.12Other external activities
- Founding member of British Association for Applied Linguistics Special Interest Group in Intercultural Communication (http://www.baal.org.uk/sig_interc_comm.html)
- Reviewer /reader of intercultural publications for two major publishing companies, Language Teaching Journal, System, Lingüística Aplicada
- External examiner for 2 UK Intercultural Masters’ Programmes
- PhD external examiner
- Selected publications
Woodin, J., Hamaidia, L. and Methven, S., (2021). Cultures in translation, complexity and development inequalities: cultivating spaces for shared understanding. Language and Intercultural Communication, 21(1), pp.55-68.
Woodin, J., U. Lundgren, & P. Castro (2019). Internationalisation and Higher Education: Questions from an educationalist/intercultural dialogue perspective. In, U. Lundgren, P. Castro & J. Woodin (Eds.), Educational Approaches to Internationalization through Intercultural Dialogue Routledge. pp. 211-227.
Deardorff, D & Woodin, J., &. (2019). Higher Education Policies in the USA: Successes and lessons learned in relation to intercultural dialogue. In, U. Lundgren, P. Castro & J. Woodin (Eds.), (see above) pp. 126-137.
Woodin, J. (2018). Interculturality, Interaction and Language Learning: Insights from Tandem Partnerships. Routledge Studies in Language and Intercultural Communication.
Hamaidia L, Methven S, Woodin J. (2018) Translation spaces: Parallel shifts in translation and intercultural communication studies and their significance for the international development field Translation Spaces 7(1):119-142
Woodin, J., 2017. Intercultural communication study in the United Kingdom. The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, pp.1-9.
Woodin, J. (2016) ‘How to research interculturally and ethically’ in Zhu, H. Research Methods in Intercultural Communication: a Practical Guide. Wiley-Blackwell pp103-119 (invited contribution).
(2015) Castro, P., Lundgren, U. & Woodin, J. ‘International Mindedness through the looking glass: Reflections on a concept’ Journal of Research in International Education December 2015 14: 187-197
Castro, P, Lungdren, U, & Woodin, J. (2013) Conceptualizing and assessing International Mindedness: An exploratory study. Report commissioned by the International Baccalaureate Research Office, available at: https://www.ibo.org/globalassets/publications/ib-research/imeufullreportfinal.pdf,
(2013) ‘Native or intercultural speakers? An examination of dyadic conversations between Spanish - and English - speaking tandem learners’ in Sharifan & Jamarani (eds.) Intercultural Communication in the New Era, Routledge
(2011) Woodin, J Castro, P and. Lungdren, U. ‘Tracking the traces of Intercultural Dialogue in internationalisation policies of three EU universities: Towards a framework’ in European Journal of Higher Education, Vol 1, Issue 2-3, pp. 119-134.
(2010) ‘Cultural categorisation: What can we learn from practice? An example from tandem learning’, in Language and Intercultural Communication, Vol 10. No.2, pp. 225-242
(2009) Woodin J. Tandem Learning as an intercultural Activity: Evidence from conversations about word meaning. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis.
2007 Woodin J. ‘ Intercultural Positioning in Tandem Conversations’, in Weinert, R. (ed.) Spoken Language Pragmatics, Continuum
(2006) Cultural Training materials for University Cultural Exchange (Nicaragua) students. Published in-house
(2003) Woodin, J., ‘Encouraging Intercultural Competence in Tandem Learning’ in Lewis, T., & Walker, L., (2003) Autonomous Language Learning in Tandem, Academy Electronic Publications, Sheffield.
2002 Woodin, J., “Compétence Interculturelle”, Helmling, Brigitte (Ed.). in L'apprentissage autonome des langues en tandem (Collection Essais C.R.E.D.I.F.). Coord. par Brigitte Helmling. Avec la coopération de Helmut Brammerts, Karin Kleppin, Iva Cintrat, Erik Otto. Paris: Editions Didier. (5 pages).(Trans.from English)
2001 Woodin, J., “Die Foerderung interkultureller Kompetenz beim Sprachenlernen im Tandem”, in Brammerts, H. & Kleppin, K., (eds.), Selbstgesteuretes Sprachenlernen im Tandem, Stauffenburg Verlag. (8 pages). (Trans.from English)
2001 Woodin, J., “Tandem learning as an Intercultural Activity” in Byram, M., Nichols, A. & Stevens, D., (eds.) Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice, Multilingual Matters, (14 pages).
Links to other sites:
Research Gate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jane-Woodin)