Professor David Wood
School of Languages and Cultures
Faculty Director of International Affairs
Professor of Latin American Studies
+44 114 222 0548
Full contact details
School of Languages and Cultures
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
Prof. David Wood came to Sheffield in 1992 from Exeter University, where he completed a British Academy-funded PhD on the work of the Peruvian author Alfredo Bryce Echenique, following a year´s teaching in Peru with the British Council. Bryce Echenique, and contemporary Peruvian and Latin American literature more widely, continue to be research interests, and have given rise to various invitations as a guest speaker at conferences in Europe and Latin America. His critical edition of Bryce Echenique´s Huerto cerrado was published in July 2007.
- Research interests
Popular culture, particularly sport, is another major research interest, both in Peru and across Latin America, and a book on literature, football and artesanía in Peru arising from AHRC Research Leave was published in Lima in 2005.
His latest research has involved the relationship between sport, literature and visual culture in Latin America, strands which came together in the co-organisation of the Conference `Visual/ Physical: Discourses on Sport and Physical Culture´ (July 2010) and in recent conference invitations and publications on the role of sport in Latin American literature and society.
One outcome of this research is the first monograph to examine the relationship between football and literature in the region (2017); another is the AHRC International Research Network 'A Level Playing Field? The Practice and Representation of Women's and Girls' Football in South America', for which he is principal investigator. The women's football network has its own project website, which can be viewed at
- Publications
- Football and Literature in South America. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Essays on Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Peruvian Literature and Culture.
Edited books
Journal articles
- Fifty years of women's football in Placar: From disallowed goals to winning at home?. Movimento (ESEFID/UFRGS), 27.
- The history of football and literature in Brazil (1908-1938). Estudos Historicos, 32(68), 744-764. View this article in WRRO
- ‘Violências no futebol argentino: o quê está em jogo? Quais são os paralelos com o Brasil?’. UEPG Ciências Sociais (Paraná, Brazil), 27:1(1 (Jan-April 2019)), 42-58.
- ‘La modernidad en juego: el deporte y las revistas ilustradas en el Perú 1885-1930,. Revista Iberoamericana, LXXXV, no.267(267 (April-June 2019)), 455-475.
- Stephen D. Allen, A History of Boxing in Mexico: Masculinity, Modernity, and Nationalism (Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2017), pp. xiv + 281, £61.95, hb.. Journal of Latin American Studies, 51(2), 484-486.
- Introduction. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37(5), 537-538. View this article in WRRO
- The Beautiful Game? Hegemonic Masculinity, Women and Football in Brazil and Argentina. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 37(5), 567-581. View this article in WRRO
- 'No llores por nosotros: Inglaterra y sus partidos con Argentina'. ISTOR (Mexico City), 72 (Spring 2018), 111-129.
- Reviews of Books. Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 94(3), 535-565.
- Citizens and Sportsmen: Fútbol and Politics in Twentieth-Century Chile - by Elsey, Brenda. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 32(4), 507-508.
- Latin America at the (Sports) Movies: Winning, Losing and Playing in Rudo y Cursi and En tres y dos. Bulletin of Spanish Studies.
- Playing by the book: Football in Latin American literature. Soccer and Society, 12(1), 27-41.
- Tomas Gutierrez Alea and the Art of Revolutionary Cinema. B LAT AM RES, 28(4), 512-526.
- Esclavos de la ciudad letrada: Esclavitud, escritura y colonialismo en Lima (1650–1700) (review). The Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 86(4), 588-589.
- On the Crest of a Wave: Surfing and Literature in Peru. Sport in History, 29(2), 226-242.
- World Class. An Illustrated History of Caribbean Football. INT J HIST SPORT, 26(15), 2284-2287.
- Slaves of the lettered city: Slavery, writing and colonialism in Lima (1650-1700). B HISPANIC STUD, 86(4), 588-589.
- Fútbol y élites en el Perú. Revista de Ciencia, Deporte y Cultura Física, 1(4), 61-68.
- Nicomedes Santa Cruz: echoes of Africa in Peru.. B HISPANIC STUD, 83(4), 450-452.
- The literary representation of Peru. B HISPANIC STUD, 81(2), 266-268.
- From right wing to midfield: A study of soccer in Peru. STUD LAT AM POP CULT, 22, 103-114.
- The Peruvian press under recent authoritarian regimes, with special reference to the autogolpe of President Fujimori. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 19(1), 17-32.
- Identity and cultural identity in Alfredo Bryce Echenique's 'Cuadernos de navegacion en un sillon Voltaire'. B HISPANIC STUD, 76(4), 519-532.
- Communication in Latin America: Journalism, mass media, and society Cole, Richard R. (ed.) (1996), SR Books (Wilmington). xx + 260 pp. $40.00 hbk, $16.95 pbk. Bulletin of Latin American Research, 16(3), 414-415.
- LA MODERNIDAD EN JUEGO: EL DEPORTE Y LAS REVISTAS ILUSTRADAS EN EL PERÚ 1885-1930. Revista Iberoamericana, 85(267), 455-475.
- Body Politic: The Evolving Role of Sport in Skármeta’s Short Stories In Ferreira C & Jolley J (Ed.), Antonio Skármeta. Nuevas Lecturas/ New Readings (pp. 41-61). Lima, Peru: Universidad Ricardo Palma.
- Playing Dirty (Second Half), Football and Literature in South America (pp. 122-144). Routledge
- Argentina Beyond El Proceso, Football and Literature in South America (pp. 145-164). Routledge
- Taking the Field (First Half), Football and Literature in South America (pp. 16-44). Routledge
- Playing Dirty (First Half), Football and Literature in South America (pp. 95-121). Routledge
- Offside? Women Writers Creating Space, Football and Literature in South America (pp. 192-214). Routledge
- Writing the National Game, Football and Literature in South America (pp. 64-94). Routledge
- Conclusions, Football and Literature in South America (pp. 215-220). Routledge
- Taking the Field (Second Half), Football and Literature in South America (pp. 45-63). Routledge
- Narratives of Nation-building in Ecuador and Peru, Football and Literature in South America (pp. 165-191). Routledge
- El valor de lo popular en la obra de Bryce Echenique In Hart SM & Wood D (Ed.), Essays on Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Peruvian Literature and Culture (pp. 26-39). Centre of Cesar Vallejo Studies
- Entrevista con Alfredo Bryce Echenique In Hart SM & Wood D (Ed.), Essays on Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Peruvian Literature and Culture (pp. 67-76). Centre of Cesar Vallejo Studies
- El fútbol en el Perú In Llopis R (Ed.), Fútbol postnacional. Transformaciones sociales y culturales del “deporte global” en Europa y América Latina (pp. 153-166). Anthroposophic Press
- El corpus literario: deporte y cuerpo en textos peruanos contemporáneos In Torras M & Clúa I (Ed.), Cuerpos que cuentan (pp. 69-80). Ecultura
- Fútbol, cultura e identidad en el Perú In Panfichi A (Ed.), Ese gol existe. Una mirada al Perú a través del fútbol (pp. 231-250.). Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
- Arriba Peru! The Role of Football in the Formation of a Peruvian National Culture In Miller R & Crolley L (Ed.), Football in the Americas: Futbol, Futebol, Soccer (pp. 126-142). Univ of London
- Cien años de goledad: medios, literatura y fútbol globalizado In Fischer T (Ed.), Fútbol y Sociedad en América Latina Berlin: Vervuert.
- ‘Cien años de goledad: medios, literatura y fútbol globalizado’ In Fischer T, Kohler R & Reith S (Ed.), Fútbol y sociedad en América Latina / Futebol e sociedade na América Latina Madrid/ Berlin: Iberoamericana/ Vervuert.
Book reviews
- Raanan Rein, 'Futbol, Jews and the Making of Argentina'; Shawn Stein and Nicolas Campisi, 'Por amor a la pelota: once cracks de la ficcion futbolera'. Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic studies and researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America, 94(3), 562-563.
Conference proceedings papers
- Teaching activities
Prof. Wood´s teaching focuses on various aspects of Latin American society and culture (both political and popular), especially in relation to contemporary Cuba and Peru.
- Professional activities and memberships
David Wood is President of the Society for Latin American Studies and is the Director of International Affairs for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Sheffield.