A List Of Various Support Services


Within the School of East Asian Studies, the Student Experience Team in the SEAS is ready to listen to and support you throughout your time with us. We will be there to explain processes, signpost support services and help you if things aren't going to plan. 

Our general enquiries email address is seas@sheffield.ac.uk

If your enquiry relates particularly to welfare/wellbeing/health, you can email seaswelfare@sheffield.ac.uk

University Health Service All students of the University are entitled to register with the University Health Service for NHS care from a Sheffield address

Student Wellbeing Service who offer short-term, tailored one-to-one support if you’re feeling down, overwhelmed or struggling to adjust to student life

Global Campus is a programme of ongoing orientation that runs throughout the academic year. It's open to all students looking for regular opportunities to meet others, make friends and settle into life in the University and the wider city.

Students' Union we have the UK’s number one students’ union. Becoming a Sheffield student is all about trying new things, testing your strengths and discovering what you're passionate about. Your students' union is here to make sure nothing stands in your way.

Disability and Dyslexia Support Service (DDSS) who can assess for specific learning difficulties, and provide support for a variety of physical and mental health issues

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