Dr Saori Shibata
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Lecturer in East Asian Studies

Full contact details
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA
- Profile
Dr Saori Shibata joined SEAS in 2021 after working as lecturer in Political Economy of Japan at Leiden University (2014-2021).
She completed a PhD in Political Science and International Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK (2015).
- Qualifications
Ph.D., University of Birmingham, Department of Political Science and International Studies (UK)Thesis: Consensus-based to a Disorganized Model of Japanese Capitalism: The emergence of new forms of labour activism
M.A., University of Birmingham, Department of Political Science and International Studies (UK)
- Research interests
Saori’s research focuses on Japan’s political economy, including the changing nature of work, the digital economy and how Japan’s model of capitalism is transforming. This draws on institutionalist approaches to capitalism and critical political economy. She has published on these topics in journals such as New Political Economy, Review of International Political Economy and British Journal of Political Science. She is the author of Contesting Precarity in Japan: The Rise of Nonregular Workers and the New Policy Dissensus published by Cornell University Press.
- Publications
Journal articles
- The contribution of digitalization to non-inclusive growth in Japan. A Régulationist perspective on post-industrial dynamics. Competition & Change. View this article in WRRO
- Regional pathologies of late-stage neoliberalization: The case of Japan in East Asia. Economy and Society.
- Global political economy, additional blind spots and the ‘US or Europe’ problem: lessons from East Asia. Global Political Economy, 1(1), 173-187. View this article in WRRO
- Contesting neoliberalism: mapping the terrain of social conflict. Capital & Class, 46(3), 331-491.
- Digitalization or flexibilization? The changing role of technology in the political economy of Japan. Review of International Political Economy, 29(5), 1549-1576.
- Variegated anti-austerity : exploring the demise and rise of class struggle during the crisis of neoliberalism. Social Policy and Society, 20(1), 158-171.
- Gig work and the discourse of autonomy : fictitious freedom in Japan’s digital economy. New Political Economy, 25(4), 535-551.
- Paradoxical autonomy in Japan’s platform economy. Science, Technology and Society, 24(2), 271-287.
- Austerity and anti-austerity : the political economy of refusal in ‘low-resistance’ models of capitalism. British Journal of Political Science, 49(2), 683-709.
- Re-packaging old policies? ‘Abenomics’ and the lack of an alternative growth model for Japan's political economy. Japan Forum, 29(3), 399-422.
- Resisting Japan's Neoliberal Model of Capitalism: Intensification and Change in Contemporary Patterns of Class Struggle. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(3), 496-521.
- Varieties of contestation: The comparative and critical political economy of ‘excessive’ demand. Capital & Class, 38(1), 239-251.
- De-skilling and diminishing workers’ autonomy in the digital workplace In Atzeni M, Azzellini D, Mezzadri A, Apitzsch U & Phoebe M (Ed.), Handbook of Research on the Global Political Economy of Work Edward Elgar Publishing
- Gender, Precarious Labour, and Neoliberalism in Japan, Temporary and Gig Economy Workers in China and Japan (pp. 48-73). Oxford University PressOxford
- View this article in WRRO
- Fictitious autonomy and negotiated consent, The Routledge Handbook of the Gig Economy (pp. 401-418). Routledge
Book reviews
- Nihon no makuro keizai seisaku: mijuku na minshu seiji no kiketsu (Japan’s Macroeconomic Policies: The Consequences of Immature Democratic Politics). Social Science Japan Journal, 24(1), 233-235.
- The quantified self in precarity : work, technology, and what counts / Metric power. Information, Communication & Society, 21(12), 1772-1778.
- Book Review: Comparative Political Economy: States, Markets and Global Capitalism by Ben Clift. Capital & Class, 40(1), 218-221.
- Teaching interests
Saori constantly strives in her teaching to engage the interest and enthusiasm of students and aim to inspire them in their learning, in particularly through the adoption of a range of innovative teaching methods that are designed to ensure participation within the classroom and a depth of learning.
- Teaching activities
For academic year 2021/22 I am teaching the following modules:
EAS10XXX – Thinking Transnationally
EAS2031 – Postwar Japanese Politics
EAS683 – Global Governance and Japan
EAS6236 – Postwar Japanese Politics