Dr Ku In (Kyuin) Kim


School of Languages, Arts and Societies

Teaching Associate in Korean Language

Ku In Kim
Profile picture of Ku In Kim

Full contact details

Dr Ku In (Kyuin) Kim
School of Languages, Arts and Societies
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
S3 7RA

Dr. Ku In (Kyuin) Kim is a Korean language lecturer in the School of East Asian Studies at the University of Sheffield where she has worked since 2018. She completed her Ph.D. in 2021 in Korean language Pedagogy at Ewha Womans University in Korea.

She has a varied background with broad expertise in many forms of Korean Studies.
From 2014 to 2018, she has worked as a Korean lecturer at SungKyunKwan University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. she worked in the private sector of multinational companies in Korea. In addition, she also worked as a translator and published “Korean for Overseas Koreans (English)” by the Ministry of Education of Korea.

As a Korean studies researcher, her research involves Intercultural competence in Korean language pedagogy, analyses how Intercultural competence is perceived/acquired, and how can be measured/implemented in the Korean language pedagogy.


B.A. (University of California, San Diego)
M.A. (Ewha Womans University)
Ph.D. (Ewha Womans University)

Research interests

My research agenda is currently focused on the development of intercultural capabilities in Korean language education. Research interests include:

  • Korean Language Pedagogy
  • (Inter)cultural competence in Korean language pedagogy
  • Cultural representations in Korean language textbooks
Teaching interests

Kyuin Kim's teaching approach combines language skills and Intercultural competence to provide students with a more comprehensive view of both the Korean language and culture.

  • Her modules encourage students to develop their language proficiency and communicate successfully with different cultures in the global world.
  • She incorporates innovative teaching methodologies and provides a student-centered, interactive learning environment to build confidence in students’ learning journeys.
Teaching activities

EAS 171 & 6251 Non-specialist Korean Language I

EAS 172 & 6261 Non-specialist Korean Language 2

EAS 21001 Non-specialist Korean Language 3 

EAS 21002  Non-specialist Korean Language 4

EAS 373 Non-specialist Korean Language 5

EAS 374 Non-specialist Korean Language 6

Professional activities and memberships


(Current) “[K-Series] Learning Korean through Cultural Keywords” She is working on intermediate-advanced Korean textbooks.

(2022) “Udemy online lecture project: Daebak Easy Korean” - Online Korean Language & Culture Curriculum and Contents, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea. She was the director of the project. She developed the Korean Language-Culture Curriculum with the contents of Korean Foods.



Ku In (Kyuin) KIM, Sehee Park (2023) “Basic English for Teaching Korean”. The University of Sheffield Library Open Educational Resources (OER).

Translations Published (Korean-to-English)

"Korean for Overseas Koreans" (2015) Volume 4.2-6 published by the Ministry of Education of Korea.

Journal articles

Kim, KI & Yum, JE (2023) 문화 언어 능력 신장을 위한 한국어·문화 교육 방안 연구 - ‘한국음식’을 바탕으로 - (Enhancing Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Korean Education Topic - Korean Food -). 문화와 융합 45(8), 1099-1131

Kim Ku-In (Kyuin) (2022) 한국어 교육에서의 문화 능력에 관한 혼합 방법 연구 (A Mixed-Method Study on Cultural Competence in The Field of Korean Language Education). 국제한국어교육학회 국제학술발표논문집, 582-596.

Kim, KI & Lee, HJ (2020) A critical discourse analysis on cultural and social biases in a Korean language textbook: focusing on sogang Korean 1B and Korean grammar in use: beginning to early intermediate. Studies in Foreign Language Education, 34(2).