I enjoy being able to learn really in-depth information about an unusual topic

Student ambassador Sophie sitting in the sun and smiling outside Jessop West Building
Sophie Elwin
Philosophy undergraduate student
BA Philosophy, Theology and the Bible
Sophie studies BA Philosophy, Theology and the Bible. Here she shares what she likes about the Department of Philosophy and the city of Sheffield.

Where are you from?


What degree are you studying?

Religion, Theology and the Bible

Why did you chose to study in Sheffield?

I felt very comfortable here on the open day, it just felt right. I also really liked the sound of the module options.

What the University of Sheffield particularly stand out for you?

The SU really stood out for me compared to other universities. The green spaces around the uni also really made me want to come to Sheffield. 

What aspects of your degree do you find the most interesting? Is there a particular module you enjoy most?

I enjoy being able to learn really in-depth information about an unusual topic. I’ve really enjoyed the gospels module as well as a module on the 10 commandments. 

What do you like about studying in the Department of Philosophy?

Lecturers are very supportive, easily can find out a lot of information. 

What do you plan to do when you finish?

Either go into writing/ journalism or teaching. 

Do you take part in any university or department activities as well as your studies?

I captained the PhilSoc netball team. I also volunteer with the Philosophy in the City programme.

What do you enjoy most about living in Sheffield?

I love all the green spaces and the paths as well as the fab brunch spots.

What are your top tips for any student thinking about studying Philosophy in Sheffield?

Have a good research of the module options online.

What has surprised you the most about Sheffield? What do you know about Sheffield know that you didn’t before you came here?

I now know how friendly it is. I just love the city a lot more than I thought I would - I love studying here.

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