Evaluation of Sheffield Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation Project

Process evaluation of early implementer site of the NHS England Community Mental Health Framework.

A image of a white male and a black male sat opposite each other having a 1 to 1 meeting

Project overview

The Community Mental Health Framework has funded 12 sites across England to implement new models of "integrated, personalised, place-based and well-coordinated care" for people with severe mental illness.

In this study, we are conducting a process evaluation of the implementation of this service in Sheffield, delivered through a partnership between NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust (SHSC), Primary Care Sheffield (PCS), Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Mind. In the study, we will conduct 75 interviews with leadership, staff and service users, observe meetings and conduct secondary analysis of routinely collected data. The study will identify barriers and enablers and generation actionable learning for commissioners and providers in Sheffield and in other sites nationally who are establishing similar services in line with the CMHF. It will also generate wider research insights into the processes of organisational integration and professional boundaries in healthcare.

Funding details

Funder Dates Value
Sheffield CCG March 2021 to July 2022 £99,500

Staff involved

 Alongside Kate Fryer, Research Associate at Sheffield University Management School.

Find out more about the Organisational Studies Research Cluster that Damian Hodgson is a member of.

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