Dr Martyn Griffin, who joined Sheffield University Management School in February 2022, has recently published two articles in Academy of Management Learning and Education.
The first paper, co-authored with Professor Daniel King and Dr Patrick Reedy, entitled Learning to "Live the Paradox" in Democratic Organizing: A Deliberative Approach to Paradox Mindsets, explores how Martyn and his co-authors encountered paradoxes in their own efforts of democratic organizing over the past few years. It employs auto-ethnographic vignettes to develop a deliberative model of paradox mindsets to explore how individuals and groups work through competing tensions they experience. A blog post with further details about how to access the paper and a video summary of the paper's key findings and contributions can be found on Martyn's ESRC funded website.
Martyn Griffin's blog post: Paradoxes in Democratic Organizing
The second article, entitled Inclusion and Exclusion in Management Education and Learning: A Deliberative Approach to Conferencing, was co-authored with Professor Daniel King and Professor Emma Bell. This paper explores how unconferencing, a non-hierarchical, participant driven, self-managed meeting format can contribute to furthering our understanding of inclusion within conferences and more broadly in critical management education. They suggest that by adopting more explicitly inclusive practices, management education can be opened up to a broader range of voices. In doing so, the article demonstrates the potential of unconferences as a way of rethinking professional management education that challenges power relations and can increase inclusivity.
Each of these papers contributes towards Martyn's broader work in deliberative theory over the past decade and his efforts to apply these theories within this field of organizational studies to better understand issues of management and work.
Please visit Martyn Griffin's blog for a broaden view of his latest research.