Sheffield’s Race Equality Commision report is launched

Sheffield’s Race Equality Commission has published a new report which urges key organisations in Sheffield to work together to create a city which actively fights racism.

The Race Equality Commission Panel

Sheffield’s Race Equality Commission has published a new report which urges key organisations in Sheffield to work together to create a city which actively fights racism. 

The report was launched at the Millenium Gallery on Thursday 14 July. The launch was attended by Professor Susan Fitzmaurice, Chair of the University of Sheffield’s Race Equality Steering Group Committee, who took part in a panel discussion about the report’s findings and recommendations. 

The report emphasises the need for organisations in Sheffield to join forces to take positive action against racism and to do this by key areas of work identified in the report embedding the report recommendations, including:

  • Sheffield: An Antiracist City
  • Educating Future Generations and Showing Leadership in our Educational Institutions
  • Inclusive Healthy Communities: Wellbeing and Longevity for All
  • One Sheffield in Community Life: Inclusion, cohesion and confidence
  • Celebrating Sheffield Through Sport and Culture: Past, Present and Future
  • Proportionality and Equity in Crime and Justice
  • Sheffield Equal and Enterprising: Supporting Black Asian and minoritized ethnic Business and Enterprise

The University of Sheffield launched its Race Equality Strategy and Action in 2019, and has delivered a number of projects to help tackle racial inequality in higher education, including; anti-racism and equality, diversity and inclusion training for students and staff, an accessible video series on the history of racism that gives context and background to our race equality work, and work on decolonising the curricula.

Professor Susan Fitzmaurice, Chair of the University of Sheffield’s Race Equality Steering Group Committee, said: “The report is a positive step in bringing the issue of race inequality to the forefront. It provides a clear picture of the key challenges and priority areas to be addressed in the city, and includes rich information and evidence of lived experience, which is vital to creating a catalyst for change across Sheffield. 

“At the University, our work to tackle racism, racial inequality and promote positive action is a core strand of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion work, but we know there is much more to be done to progress this work across Sheffield. So the University welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other key organisations in the city to build on this work.”

Organisations from around the city also joined the panel.

The University’s work aims to create an inclusive and diverse campus that widens access for students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, and supports their success during and after their time in higher education. The University is also striving to become a University of Sanctuary and is applying for a Race Equality Charter Bronze award in 2024.

Zaidah Ahmed, HR Manager for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, said: “In March this year, the University of Sheffield published updates to its landmark Race Equality Strategy and Action Plan, originally launched three years ago.

“The work we are doing, aims to bring about a transformational increase in the representation, progress and success of Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities in higher education. The city’s new Race Equality Commission will ensure organisations like ours who play a major role in the life of Sheffield, can work together to champion racial equality on a bigger scale, for a more diverse and united city.”

Dhyasa Morgan, BAME Student Officer and Grace Cleary, Liberation Officer for the University of Sheffield Students’ Union, said: “We are optimistic about the recommendations published by the Sheffield Race Equality Commission. There is a lot of progress still to be made, but it’s vital that we continue to work together to improve race equality in our city. Making Sheffield more inclusive can only help to create a thriving community which will benefit our BAME students’ experiences.”

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