Disability Liaison Officers

Find out what a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) is and how to contact yours.


What is a Disability Liaison Officer?

Disability Liaison Officers (DLOs) are members of University staff based in your department/school who are a designated point of contact for disabled students. Each academic department/school has at least one, listed below.

Your departmental DLO is a good first point of contact if you have a question about how things work in your department/school, or how to access additional support. You can contact them if you have a question or concern, particularly if it's related to your department/school's support or processes.

With your permission, we'll send the DLOs in your department/school(s) information about your disability, and make recommendations around how your department/school can best support you.

Department/school contacts

DepartmentNameJob titleEmail addressPhone
Academic Practice & Skills DevelopmentDr Jenny FreemanMaths & Stats Help Centre Managerj.v.freeman@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1749
Accommodation and Commercial ServicesDominic TomesStudent Support & Wellbeing Officer d.tomes@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 8882
AMRCAnne ElseLearner Support Leada.else@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 9956
AMRCTasleem AkhtarLearning & Teaching Mentortasleem.akhtar@sheffield.ac.uk 
AMRCEllis NewbyLearning & Teaching Mentore.s.newby@sheffield.ac.uk 
AMRCThomas SidebottomLearning & Teaching Mentort.sidebottom@sheffield.ac.uk 
AMRCAdam ShorthoseLearning & Teaching Mentora.shorthose@sheffield.ac.uk 
Careers and Employability HubHelen Fauset Employability Project Officerh.s.fauset@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 0965
Department of MusicLouise CooperStudent Experience ManagerUG: admin-ugmusic@sheffield.ac.uk

PGT: admin-pgtmusic@sheffield.ac.uk

PGR: admin-pgrmusic@sheffield.ac.uk
+44 114 222 0488
Department of Politics and International RelationsAlex ClarkeStudent Experience Officera.s.clarke@sheffield.ac.uk 
Department of Politics and International RelationsSarah MogaLearning & Teaching Managers.l.moga@sheffield.ac.uk 
Department of Sociological StudiesKatherine DaviesLecturer in Sociologysociological.studies@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 6479
Department of Sociological StudiesRuth BirtlesStudent Experience Officerruth.birtles@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 6479
English Language Teaching CentreJune NelsonClerical Assistanteltc.studentdisabilitysupport@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1780
English Language Teaching CentreChristie Oliver-HobleyClerical Assistanteltc.studentdisabilitysupport@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1780
Faculty of HealthBethany FloodPGR Administrative Assistantmedicine-pgr@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 22 59573
Faculty of Social SciencesJames PeacockPGR Support Assistantjames.peacock@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 0174
Global EngagementLizzey RoundingGlobal Opportunities Co-ordinatore.rounding@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 225 7620
Health and SafetyMark Neile-EyreFire Safety Adviserm.neale-eyre@sheffield.ac.uk+44 7902 401519
Information SchoolMengdie ZhuangLecturer in Data Sciencem.zhuang@sheffield.ac.uk 
Information SchoolEmma VesseyFaculty Education Advisore.vessey@sheffield.ac.uk 
IT ServicesMark MorleyEducational Technologistm.morley@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 3017
LibraryJoanne MarsdenAssistive Technology Officerj.l.marsden@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 7304
Management SchoolMandy RobertsonSenior Programme Administratormgt.welfare@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 3372
Management SchoolLynne LiLearning & Teaching Managermgt.welfare@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 3372
Marketing, Admissions, Recruitment and CommunicationsCallum BaileyAccess Officercallum.bailey@sheffield.ac.uk 
Marketing, Admissions, Recruitment and CommunicationsClare BensaEvents Logistics Administratorclare.bensa@sheffield.ac.uk 
Marketing, Admissions, Recruitment and CommunicationsMaisie MullisStudent Recruitment Officer (Lead Generation South)m.h.mullis@sheffield.ac.uk 
Marketing, Admissions, Recruitment and CommunicationsRenata NarrainsawmyStudent Recruitment Officer (Student Ambassadors)r.narrainsawmy@sheffield.ac.uk 
Modern Languages Teaching CentreMichelle DeakinStudent Experience Officermichelle.deakin@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 7148
Modern Languages Teaching CentrePaul JepsonSupport Assistantp.jepson@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 4897
Multidisciplinary Engineering EducationCharis BronzeEducation Officerc.bronze@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and MidwiferyRachael DuckworthUniversity Teacher - Nursing & Midwiferyr.e.duckworth@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 2033
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and MidwiferyKarzan HughesUniversity Teacher - Orthopticskarzan.hughes@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 215 9035
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and MidwiferyBen RutterLecturer - Human Communication Scienceb.rutter@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 2413
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and MidwiferyTracey PacanAssessments Team Leadert.m.pacan@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 2058
School of Architecture and Landscape ArchitectureCatherine SkelcherUniversity Teacherar-tloffice@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 0305
School of Architecture and Landscape ArchitectureBecky GrayLearning and Teaching Managerar-tloffice@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 0309
School of Architecture and Landscape ArchitectureHelen MorrisLearning & Teaching Managerh.morris@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 0600
School of BiosciencesLucy DeakinStudent Welfare and Engagement Officerbiosciences-welfare@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1097
School of BiosciencesMohamed NassarLecturerm.nassar@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 2392
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological EngineeringBen PearsonSenior Student Support Officerben.pearson@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 7572
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological EngineeringWendy DuttonStudent Support and Learning and Teaching Officerw.dutton@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 5942
School of Chemical, Materials and Biological EngineeringPeter LomasLearning & Teaching Managerpeter.lomas@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Clinical DentistryJennie YoungPA to the Dean & School Administratordental.studentsupport@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Clinical DentistryJosephine HarwoodStudent Support Officer 
School of Computer ScienceCassie CharlesSenior Assessment Officerc.charles@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1817
School of Computer ScienceStacey JaouaneSenior Student Support and Experience Officers.l.jaouane@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1813
School of Computer ScienceLizzie BridgesSenior Student Experience Officere.bridges@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 1819
School of East Asian StudiesMike PrenticeSenior Lecturermike.prentice@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 7023
School of East Asian StudiesCorrie HoutonStudent Experience Managerc.houton@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 8432
School of EconomicsShirley Riley-LakeStudent Experience Officers.riley-lake@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 3327
School of EducationMegan AyresSenior Student Experience Officerm.c.ayres@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of EducationMaria BaldamStudent Support and Welfare Officerm.baldam@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringSophie WykesLearning and Teaching Manager and Student Engagement Officersophie.l.wykes@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 5646
School of EnglishRachel Van DuyvenbodeSenior University Teacherenglish@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 8482
School of Geography and PlanningThom SullivanStudent Experience Officertom.sullivan@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Geography and PlanningTom WrightStudent Experience Officertom.wright@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Geography and PlanningKate FindlaterLearning & Teaching Managerk.m.findlater@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 7901
School of History, Philosophy and Digital HumanitiesAnne-Marie FrisbySenior Student Support Officera-m.frisby@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of History, Philosophy and Digital HumanitiesLucy BrownTeaching Associate in Modern British Historylucy.brown@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 2605
School of History, Philosophy and Digital HumanitiesBeky HasnipPG Student Experience Manager & Deputy Department Managerr.hasnip@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114  222 2552
School of History, Philosophy and Digital HumanitiesChris MowatStudent Support Officerc.mowat@sheffield.ac.uk +44 114 222 2598
School of History, Philosophy and Digital HumanitiesJames ChetwoodLecturer in History and Digital Humanitiesj.a.chetwood@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Journalism, Media and CommunicationNicola DanielSenior Student Experience Officernicola.daniel@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Journalism, Media and CommunicationMaisie FairburnStudent Experience Assistantm.e.fairburn@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Journalism, Media and CommunicationRuth MandersonStudent Experience Officerr.e.manderson@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 2500
School of Languages and CulturesKathryn GardnerStudent Welfare Officerk.hutchison@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of LawRachel BoltSenior Student Experience Officerrachel.bolt@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 6706
School of LawSteph WindleStudent Experience Managers.windle@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 6847
School of Mathematical and Physical SciencesLizzie IbbotsonStudent Welfare Advisere.m.ibbotson@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Mathematical and Physical SciencesCharlotte BrownStudent Welfare Advisercharlotte.brown@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Mathematical and Physical SciencesDavid MowbrayProfessor of Physicsd.mowbray@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Mathematical and Physical SciencesBen PartridgeLecturer in Organic Chemistryb.m.partridge@sheffield.ac.uk 
School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil EngineeringRachel JonesAssessment and Feedback Officerrachel.jones@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 7755
Sheffield International CollegeKayleigh Thomas kthomas3@studygroup.com 
Sheffield International CollegeCharlotte Nicholson cnicholson@studygroup.com 
Student Mental Health, Counselling and Therapies ServiceHelen RichardsonCounsellormentalhealthcounselling@sheffield.ac.uk+44 114 222 4134
University Health ServiceKate SleemanUHS Secretary uhs.secretary@nhs.net+44 114 222 22128