First International Workshop on 'Near-field Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy' 2023

Event details
When and where
Tuesday, 12 September 2023 (pm) - s-SNOM and nano-FTIR equipment and experiment demonstration
- Demonstration by Neaspec/Attocube and Sheffield staff of the new Near-field Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy Centre (NOSC) at the Department of Physics and Astronomy
- You can indicate if you would like to attend a demonstration when you register - one hour slots will be allocated between 13:00 and 18:00
- Venue - Department of Physics & Astronomy, Hicks Building, Hounsfield Road, Sheffield, S3 7RH, UK (please wait at the main reception of the Hicks Building at the top of Hounsfield Road)
Wednesday, 13 September 2023 (09:25-16:05) - Workshop
- The workshop will comprise of six invited talks, several contributed talks and a poster session
- Venue - Inox, level 5, Students Union Building, Durham Road, Sheffield S10 2TG, UK
About this event
- This multidisciplinary event will bring together researchers working on optical nano-imaging and nano-spectroscopy with applications in a range of systems from solid state to biology. Techniques such as s-SNOM, nanoFTIR, AFM-IR and other tip-enhanced methods will be discussed
- The event will include an optional demonstration of the equipment and capabilities in the new Near-field Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy Centre (NOSC) in Sheffield
- The full day workshop will comprise of six invited talks, several contributed talks and a poster session
Invited speakers
- Rainer Hillenbrand - CIC nanoGUNE, "IR and THz nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy for physical and (bio)chemical nanoanalytics"
- Jessica Boland - The University of Manchester, "Exposing the dielectric function of low-dimensional quantum materials at the nanoscale via near-field MIR/THz spectroscopy"
- Nathaniel J. Huáng - NPL, "Advanced probing of light-matter interaction at nanoscale for quantum optoelectronics"
- Alexey Kuzmenko - University of Geneva, "Cryogenic s-SNOM studies of oxide heterostructures"
- Chris Phillips - Imperial College London, "s-SNOM Nanoscale chemical imaging of biological specimens"
- Jin-Chong Tan - University of Oxford, "Near-field nanoanalytics of tuneable metal-organic frameworks"
Contributed talks
- Lars Mester - Attocube, "Neaspec technology overview"
- Alexander Knight - University of Sheffield
- Thomas Siday - University of Oxford, "Ultrafast nano-imaging and spectroscopy of carrier dynamics within metal halide perovskites"
- Lucy Hale - ETH Zürich, "Near-field spectroscopy of high Q modes in individual asymmetric split-ring Terahertz resonators"
- Hendrik Vondracek - Diamond Light Source Ltd, "New capabilities of the nano-IR endstation at DIAMOND – synchrotron-based PTE and s-SNOM"
Workshop programme - 13th September 2023
- You can view the programme below
Workshop programme
International Workshop on 'Near-field Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy'
Wednesday, 13 September 2023 - 09:25-16:05 (in person)
Venue - Inox, level 5, Students Union Building, Durham Road, Sheffield S10 2TG, UK
Start Duration End 09:25 00:05 09:30 Welcome - Alexander Tartakovskii - University of Sheffield
09:30 00:30 10:00 Jessica Boland - The University of Manchester (invited)
"Exposing the dielectric function of low-dimensional quantum materials at the nanoscale via near-field MIR/THz spectroscopy"10:00 00:15 10:15 Lucy Hale - ETH Zürich
"Near-field spectroscopy of high Q modes in individual asymmetric split-ring Terahertz resonators"10:15 00:15 10:30 Lars Mester – Attocube
"Neaspec technology overview"
10:30 00:30 11:00 Break 11:00 00:30 11:30 Chris Phillips - Imperial College London (invited)
"s-SNOM Nanoscale chemical imaging of biological specimens"11:30 00:30 12:00 Alexey Kuzmenko - University of Geneva (invited)
"Cryogenic s-SNOM studies of oxide heterostructures"12:00 00:15 12:15 Hendrik Vondracek - Diamond Light Source Ltd
"New capabilities of the nano-IR endstation at DIAMOND – synchrotron-based PTE and s-SNOM”12:15 01:15 13:30 Lunch, networking and poster session 13:30 00:15 13:45 Thomas Siday - University of Oxford
"Ultrafast nano-imaging and spectroscopy of carrier dynamics within metal halide perovskites"13:45 00:15 14:00 Alexander Knight - University of Sheffield
"Visible-light s-SNOM for the Study of 2D Photonic Materials - Capabilities and Limitations"14:00 00:30 14:30 Nathaniel J. Huáng – NPL (invited)
"Advanced probing of light-matter interaction at nanoscale for quantum optoelectronics"14:30 00:30 15:00 Break 15:00 00:30 15:30 Rainer Hillenbrand - CIC nanoGUNE (invited)
"IR and THz nanoimaging and nanospectroscopy for physical and (bio)chemical nanoanalytics"15:30 00:30 16:00 Jin-Chong Tan - University of Oxford (invited)
"Near-field nanoanalytics of tuneable metal-organic frameworks"16:00 00:05 16:05 Closing remarks
- If you wish to present a poster, please indicate that during registration
- Please submit the title of your poster to - deadline 29 August 2023
- Please prepare your poster as A0 size in portrait orientation
List of posters
Pablo Díaz Núñez University of Manchester neaSNOM in a glovebox: implementation, capabilities, and applications on air-sensitive materials Nicholas Farr University of Sheffield Characterisation and quantification of oxidative stress induced particle debris from polypropylene surgical mesh Baset Gholizadeh University of Manchester CUSTOM Capabilities at the University of Manchester James Ingham University of Liverpool MLA application of far-field data to better inform infrared aperture SNOM experiments for discovering fundamentals of cancer and its diagnosis Dan Johnson University of Manchester Surface Sensitive Nearfield Nanoscopy and Spectroscopy of Surface States in Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 Nanostructures Vishal Kachwal University of Oxford Shaping the Future of White Light: Tailoring Emission Profiles in Hybridized AIE-MOF Emissive Micro-Fibers for Enhanced Quantum Yield Alexander Knight University of Sheffield Near-Field Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy Centre Xinyun Liu University of Manchester Exploiting Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM) for InN Nanoparticle Analysis Samraj Mollick University of Oxford Selective Acetone Vapor Detection in Diabetic Range: MOF-based Portable Optical Sensor for Noninvasive Breath Diagnosis' James Nohl University of Sheffield Good practice for Secondary Electron Hyperspectral Imaging of carbon materials: references and complementary techniques for surface chemical characterisation Sam Randerson University of Sheffield Dynamics of Surface Plasmon Polaritons Explored Throughs-SNOM Fourier Analysis of WS2 Nanophotonic Antennas Yahya Saboon University of Manchester Terahertz Characterisation of 3D Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2 Nanowires via OPTP and SNOM Techniques Benedict Smith University of Sheffield Layer by Layer Optical Characterisation of Metal Organic Framework Nanosheets Harrison Swift University of Sheffield Exploring the Effect of Surface Topography on Probe Deformation in Atomic Force Microscopy Zara Taylor University of Sheffield Exciton Polariton propagation in ZrSe3 waveguides Tom Vincent University of Manchester Introducing pysnom: a Python package for modelling SNOM experiments Jiahao Ye University of Oxford Ligand Modification on Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks (ZIFs) for Enhanced Performance of Triboelectric Nanogenerators (TENG)
- Fee - student rate 30 GBP, non-student rate 50 GBP (includes refreshments & lunch)
- Participants can register and pay the fee (by debit/credit card) on the University of Sheffield's online store
- The University On-line Store works in the same way as any other on-line store (Amazon, Play, etc)
- You will receive an email confirmation of your payment (once the credit/debit card payment is successfully processed)
- Cancellations and Refunds - delegates may cancel their registration at any time but please note that all refunds will be subject to the University of Sheffield’s standard T&C’s, see here
Conference sponsors
This event is supported by the UKRI Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/V007696/1]
- Alexander Tartakovskii -
- Sally Greenhough -
Organising committee
- Alexander Tartakovskii, Jamie Hobbs, Cornelia Rodenburg, Julia Weinstein, Alexander Knight, Sally Greenhough
Key dates
- Online registration closes - Friday, 8 September 2023 or when the 5 remaining spaces have been booked
- Optional demonstration - Tuesday, 12 September 2023 (pm)
- Full day workshop - Wednesday, 13 September 2023 (full day)