John Chowning Residency
John Chowning and Mark Fell in residence at USSS.

USSS were honoured to be able to host Professor John Chowning during a recent visit to Sheffield to deliver a lecture and performance in conjunction with Sheffield’s No Bounds festival. During his visit Chowning worked in the University of Sheffield Sound Studios developing new work in collaboration with Mark Fell.
Chowning is a leading figure in electronic and computer music. Chowning discovered the frequency modulation synthesis (FM) algorithm in 1967. Inspired by the perceptual research of Jean-Claude Risset, he worked toward turning this discovery into a system of musical importance, using it extensively in his compositions. Chowning taught computer-sound synthesis and composition at Stanford University's Department of Music. In 1974, with John Grey, James (Andy) Moorer, Loren Rush and Leland Smith, he founded the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA), which remains one of the leading centers for computer music and related research.