Activities and Events
USSS run a range of concerts, workshops and events exploring acousmatic, electroacoustic and electronic music.
Sound Junction
About Sound Junction
The Sound Junction series has one central aim: to make acousmatic, electroacoustic and electronic music accessible to a listening public, by presenting the most exciting and innovative music from around the globe, live in concert. Using a purpose-built sound diffusion system, and with technical support from the University of Sheffield Sound Studios, these events present increasingly diverse musical forms and styles in ideal listening conditions; a dark, concert space filled with loudspeakers, thus allowing for concentrated, dedicated listening.
Composing (with) Systems
USSS invites contributions exploring the active role of systems in composition and sonic practice. We invite contributions that explore a wide range of systems including not only digital and electronic systems (e.g. modular, algorithmic, generative and AI based systems) but also conceptual systems, instrument design and adaptation, performance ecologies, assemblages and games. We welcome practical and theoretical contributions concerned with any area or period of music and sonic practice wherein systems have an active role in shaping, mediating, refracting or otherwise transforming the creative will.
Other events and workshops

Patchworks is a workshop where staff and students interested in electronic music meet, share ideas, listen to work in progress and find solutions to technical issues.