Research conferences
A list of all upcoming (and previous) music-related research conferences.

14th June: Social Inclusion, Community, and Belonging at International Music Festivals
24th - 25th February: Folk Singing Symposium
21st - 22nd April: Silver anniversary of the Distance Learning MA in Psychology of Music.
18th-20th October: SysMus23 - The 16th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology
14th-17th June: International conference on analytical approaches to world music
12-15 May: Stagestruck 3: Reading Musicals: Sources, Editions, Performance
28th-31st July: ESCOM2021: 11th Triennial Conference: Connectivity and diversity in music cognition
12th-15th May: Rethinking the Golden Age Musical: Great American Songbook Foundation.
View the panel event featuring five major Broadway actresses talking about 'Gender and the Golden Age'.
20th March: Mapping music for wellbeing Sheffield - POSTPONED
6th June: The Folk Voice
15-17 July: Cross-European Summer School on Musical Ability
10-12 January: Royal Musical Association/British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Research Students' Conference
9-10 May: On the Record: Critical Approaches to the Musical Theatre Cast Album
13-15 June: Music and Visual Culture in Renaissance Italy
19 June: Families and music: An interdisciplinary perspective on fostering family bonding
3-5 July: Sheffield Performer and Audience Research Centre (SPARC) conference
12th October: Sound Teaching Workshops on Expression, communication and creativity in music performance
27-29 April: Sound Agendas Composers Conference
9-11 May: Stagestruck 4: Rethinking Broadway's Golden Age (online)
18 June: Music Teacher Conference - Teaching World Music
20-27 September: Colourama: A synaesthesia experience
27 October: Sound Teaching - A one-day interactive conference for instrumental teachers and musicians
20-23 April: British Forum for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference
8 April: Choral practice, performance and pedagogy: real-world applications of choral research
10-12 May: Stagestruck 2: Putting It Together: Investigating Sources for Musical Theatre Research
5-8 July: Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference
29 April: Understanding Audiences for the Contemporary Arts
23-25 March: International Conference on the Multimodal Experience of Music
14-18 May: Stagestruck 1: Restaging the Song: Adapting Broadway for the Silver Screen
4-6 October: Sources of Identity: Makers, Owners and Users of Music Sources Before 1600
6 December: Crosscurrents in Music and Theology
21-24 July: (CIM10) Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology
22 July: CIM-SEMPRE Study Day and Workshop
26-27 March: The Spanish Humour
19 October: Musical Behaviour and Experience
20 October: Musical Participation
27 October: RMA Training Day
3 November: Gender and Musical Performance
17-19 July: International Conference on Music and Consciousness