Palliative care and bereavement

These resource relate to the provision of palliative and end of life care in mesothelioma, and support with bereavement.



Resources to download

  • What is Palliative Care?  - an infographic for professionals to share with patients and their families, which helps to explain and demystify what palliative care means.
  • Mesothelioma and Palliative Care - an infographic for clinical teams, which aims to raise awareness of mesothelioma and the importance of talking about palliative care early on in the patient journey.


  • Palliative Care Project report - the final report for our study which explored the palliative care needs, outcomes and experiences of patients with mesothelioma and their family carers. It also explored how Mesothelioma UK Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) seek to meet those needs in terms of the interventions they employ, care they provide and the ways they work with other health care providers.
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