'Invisible Threads' - a play about mesothelioma

We are proud to announce that our Festival of the Mind event ‘Invisible Threads’ will be taking place in the iconic Spiegeltent at Barkers Pool, Sheffield City Centre on Saturday 28th September at 11am.

Threads flyer

Please join us for the premiere of the play ‘Invisible Threads’ developed in collaboration with the theatre company Dead Earnest to raise awareness of the risks of asbestos exposure and to highlight the impacts on families living with mesothelioma.

The event is part of the University’s biennial Festival of the Mind, which celebrates world-class research. We will be joined by a wide range of partners and stakeholders including the charity Mesothelioma UK who fund our research, the Yorkshire and Humberside Asbestos Support Group, health professionals, academics, and people living with mesothelioma. 

The event is free and no tickets are required. If you have any questions, please contact the researcher Sarah Hargreaves (sarah.hargreaves@sheffield.ac.uk).

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