The MRG is a partner in a Jean Monnet Network – “CTRL + Enter Europe: Jean Monnet Migrant Crisis Network (MIGRATE)”, awarded funding for three years in the 2016 call. The network will focus on the ‘Balkan human corridor’ of Europe’s ‘migration crisis’, addressing the question – ‘To what extent can further EU integration and enlargement offer a viable solution to the migrant crisis?’ Members of the MRG – Majella Kilkey, Andrew Geddes, Paul Cardwell and Francesa Strumia – will work with partners from Greece, Turkey, FYROM, Serbia, Hungary, Germany and Austria, conducting qualitative and quantitative research on the socio, economic and political impact of the ‘Migrant Crisis’ and assessing implications for both Western Balkans Integration and EU Integra
Migration Research @ Sheffield partner in a Jean Monnet Network