Borders and Bordering Reading Group

Event details
PhD students are invited to join the Borders and Bordering Reading Group. This group is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Borders and Bordering.
All University of Sheffield PhD students and early career researchers are welcome to join, particularly those working on themes around bordering and migration.
On 8th June 10.00-12.00 we will be discussing:
Mezzadra, S; Neilson, B. (2013) Borders as Method, or the Multiplication of Labor, Durham, North Carolina, US: Duke University Press. **Just read Chapter 7. Zones, Corridors, and Postdevelopmental Geographies**. Available through University of Sheffield library.
We are meeting in The Wave mezzanine space (access next to Sociological Studies entrance) in The Wave.