Conference Programme


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Day one: Tuesday, 8th July 2025

Session one | 0900-1045

0915 Keynote talk: Jeff Bunn | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA | Harnessing Neutron Scattering for Next-Generation Materials Engineering

0945 Researcher Presentations chaired by Miles Cooke and Durga Tilak

  • Olivia Broadbent-Clark | University of Manchester | Microstructural characterisation of initial processing steps in production of recycled can-body aluminium
  • Sydney Coates | University of Manchester | Understanding coldwork needed for recrystallisation of 316 LPBF material and it's affect on the material's performance in PWR primary water
  • Grace Fidler | University of Manchester | Observation of retained austenite decomposition using dilatometry and correlative microscopy

1040 Poster Flash Presentations

Session two | 1115-1245

1115 Researcher Presentations chaired by Samuel Eka and Martin Tse

  • Eamonn Lawlor | University of Manchester | Effect of stress concentrations on Ti64 under cold creep
  • Dillon Frith | University of Sheffield | Force Feedback Analysis of Ti-6246
  • Riccardo Sorrill | University of Sheffield | The impact of shape factors on the AM print morphology using in-process monitoring

1240 Poster Flash Presentations

Lunch | 1245-1400

There will be the opportunity at this time to view the Poster Exhibition

Session three | 1400-1530

1400 Keynote talk: Moataz Attallah | University of Birmingham | I Find Your Lack of Toughness Disturbing: Control of Microstructures for Performance

1430 Researcher Presentations chaired by Aiden Ha and Samuel Yeates

  • Jack Krohn | University of Sheffield | An Investigation into the Manufacturing Route of a FAST produced Functionally Graded, Titanium Alloy Composite Sandwich Structure
  • Jozef McGowan | University of Sheffield | Analysing the Tool Wear and Microstructural Damage When Using Uncoated Cemented Carbide Tools of Differing Grades for the Milling of Ti64 Samples Manufactured Using Differing Processing Routes
  • Mostafa Salem | University of Sheffield | Predicting the Distribution of Nanopores in SLM

1525 Poster Flash Presentations

Session four | 1600-1730

1600 Researcher Presentations chaired by Saeid Heidrinassab and Philomenah Holladay

  • Ajai Sankar | University College Dublin | A Comprehensive Investigation into the Microstructural Evolution and Fatigue Performance of LPBF Ti-6Al-4V Post Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP)
  • Thomas Gillick | Dublin City University | Analysing residual stresses in nickel-titanium parts produced from laser powder bed fusion by utilising beam mechanics equations
  • Matt Williamson | University of Manchester | Decoupling the Influence of Creep on Initiation of Environmentally Assisted Cracking

Day two: Wednesday, 9th July 2025

Session five | 0900-1045

0915 Keynote talk: Teresa Pérez-Prado | IMDEA | 

0945 Researcher Presentations chaired by Joe Hopkinson and Sampreet Rangaswamy

  • Ramzy Abou-Zaid | University of Manchester | Microstructural characterisation of defects formed during additive repair of nickel superalloy INC718
  • Kate Bowers | University of Sheffield | Understanding the effects of Die Geometry and Wheel Speed on Grain Size of Commercially Pure CONFORM Copper Wire
  • Tom Cole | University of Sheffield | Investigating the Effects of Processing on Short-Range Order and Physical Properties of Ni-33at.%Cr

1040 Poster Flash Presentations

Session six | 1115-1245

1115 Researcher Presentations chaired by Ciaran Miles and Shahrzad Sajjadivand

  • Lucas Cook | Universaity of Sheffield | Analysis of the Relationship Between Wheel Speed and Grain Size of Aluminium Wire Produced Via the ConformTM Process
  • Yvonne Onowunmi-Kayode | Dublin City University | Laser Texturing of Ti-6Al-4V for enhanced anti-biofouling and hydrophobic properties
  • Andrea Villano | University College Dublin | Application of 5G network as data transfer tool in Selective Laser Melting for metal printing

1240 Poster Flash Presentations

Lunch | 1245-1400

There will be the opportunity at this time to view the Poster Exhibition

Session seven | 1400-1530

1400 Keynote talk: Mehrshad Mehrpouya | University of Twente | Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Materials

1430 Researcher Presentations chaired by Niels Schreiner

  • Richard Thompson | University of Sheffield | Review of computational methods of analysing rail wear
  • Xavier Ojeda | University of Manchester | Slip activity in Ti-6Al-4V under cold creep conditions
  • Meris Ikis | Dublin City University | Investigation of the bond strength of laser-textured interference-fit joints
  • Ian Kiernan | Dublin City University | Measurement of Sliotar Coefficient of Restitution at High Speed

1530 Closing remarks

Drinks Reception and Prize Awards | 1545
Conference Dinner | 1900 (transfer 1730)

There will be a coach transfer from the conference site at 1730 to Johnnie Fox's. 

Johnnie Fox’s is the quintessential traditional Irish Pub, renowned for it’s authenticity, friendly Irish welcome, great food & excellent live traditional Irish Hooley Night! The evening will include a 3 course meal plus tea or coffee & a show of the best live traditional Irish music & Irish dancing. 

Dinner is served from 1900 & the show runs from 2030–2230

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