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Prof. Moataz Attallah
Headshot of Moataz Attallah

Professor of Advanced Materials Processing  | School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK

Professor Moataz Attallah is an expert in advanced materials and manufacturing, particularly in additive manufacturing (3D printing), metallurgy, and aerospace materials. His research focuses on developing novel metal alloys, improving manufacturing processes, and enhancing the performance of materials for industries like aerospace, nuclear, and biomedical engineering. He specialises in laser-based and electron beam additive manufacturing, studying microstructural evolution, mechanical properties, and residual stress formation in metals. He leads research projects on high-temperature alloys, lightweight structures, and sustainable manufacturing, contributing to the advancement of modern engineering materials and fabrication techniques.

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I Find Your Lack of Toughness Disturbing: Control of Microstructures for Performance

The mechanical performance of additively manufactured alloys is intrinsically linked to their microstructure. This talk explores the role of microstructural control during additive manufacturing of high-performance materials. AM offers unprecedented flexibility in controlling the microstructure at different length scales, which impacts the overall material performance. Additionally, by employing in-process microstructural control and post-processing thermal treatments using hot isostatic pressing (HIP) and tailored heat treatments, this combination can enhance the mechanical performance for various applications. We present strategies to optimise the material’s microstructure for improved resistance to fatigue. This research paves the way for the development of more durable and reliable AM’ed materials, essential for next-generation high-performance engineering applications.

Dr. Jeff Bunn
Headshot of Jeff Bunn (white male with mid-dark hair)

Neutron Scattering Scientist, R&D Staff | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Jeff is the lead instrument scientist for the HIDRA residual stress diffractometer at HFIR, Oak Ridge Laboratory. He earned his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee in 2014. His research focuses on applied materials science, particularly material responses to complex loadings using neutron and X-ray diffraction. His work includes studying welding effects developing data analysis tools for diffraction data, and advancing neutron imaging for strain, texture, and phase analysis in engineering materials.

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Harnessing Neutron Scattering for Next-Generation Materials Engineering

The U.S. national laboratory system has been a cornerstone of scientific innovation, providing large-scale research infrastructure beyond the capabilities of academia and industry. Among these institutions, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has led advancements in neutron science for over five decades, housing two of the world’s most advanced neutron research facilities: the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) and the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). This presentation will explore how neutron scattering techniques—including neutron diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), and neutron imaging—enable unprecedented characterization of engineering materials. Unlike conventional methods such as X-ray diffraction, neutron-based techniques allow for deep, non-destructive analysis of internal stress distributions, phase transformations, and nanoscale structures, making them invaluable for aerospace, nuclear energy, automotive, and heavy industry applications. Key examples will highlight how neutron scattering enhances our understanding of structural materials, including weld integrity, additively manufactured components, and fatigue-sensitive alloys. Additionally, attendees will learn how to access ORNL’s world-class neutron facilities through proposal-driven user programs, opening opportunities for groundbreaking research in materials science. By integrating neutron-based methods, researchers can drive innovation in structural integrity, failure prevention, and next-generation materials development.

Dr. Ir. Mehrshad Mehrpouya
Headshot of Mehrshad Mehrpouya on a mezzanine office space

Assistant Professor | University of Twente, Netherlands

Merhshad Mehrpouya is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Design, Production, and Management at the University of Twente. He leads the Smart Materials and Structures (SMART) research domain, focusing on additive manufacturing technologies to advance the design and fabrication of multifunctional materials and structures. 

He earned his Ph.D. from Sapienza Unviversity of Rome in 2017 through a prestigious fellowship program. His research specialises in advanced manufacturing of shape memory materials, developing experimental and simulation spproaches for laser welding and additive manufacturing. He has contributed to several European and national projects, including REDI, reSHAPE, AM-SMART, PRIMA, and ARGUS.

Mehrshad co-authored the books Additive Manufacturing of Biopolymers and Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Materials, both published by Elsevier.

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Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Materials

Dr. Teresa Pérez-Prado

Head of Sustainable Metallurgy | IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain

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