MATTS staff

Name Role Site Contact
Dr Gordon Fuller Chief investigator CURE, The University of Sheffield

+44 (0)114 222 4389

Janette Turner Co-chief investigator CURE, The University of Sheffield

+44 (0)114 222 0761

Dr Sam Keating Study manager Clinical Trials Research Unit (CTRU), The University of Sheffield

+44 (0)114 222 5156

Professor Stephen Walters Trial statistician Medical Statistics Group, The University of Sheffield

+44 (0)114 222 0730

Professor Cindy Cooper Clinical Trials Unit Support Clinical Trials Research Unit (CTRU), The University of Sheffield

+44 (0)114 222 0743


  • Dr Rachel Fothergill
  • Professor Fiona Lecky
  • Professor Ian McConachie
  • Mr Mark Millins
  • Abdullah Pandor
  • Professor Gavin Perkins
  • Dr Stuart Reid
  • Ms Maria Robinson
  • Mr Andy Rosser
  • Professor Jason Smith
  • Dr Michael Smyth
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Major Trauma Triage Study

The MATTS project is a comprehensive programme of research investigating pre-hospital triage tools for use in NHS major trauma networks.

A global reputation

Sheffield is a world top-100 research university with a global reputation for excellence. We're a member of the Russell Group: one of the 24 leading UK universities for research and teaching.