Citizenship, Identity and Language in Luxembourg (LUXCITIZEN)

Project Team: Dr Kristine Horner (PI) and Joanna Kremer (PhD)


The 2008 law on Luxembourgish nationality constitutes one of the most significant forms of legislation in contemporary Luxembourg. This project explores the motivations and rationale behind the new law – including the decision to implement formalised language testing in Luxembourgish – and it also seeks to understand the impact that this law is having on social actors. Dr Horner’s work provides an analysis of the ways in which this policy is discursively negotiated in multiple sites, including media discourse and legislative texts. Ms Kremer’s analysis is focused on semi-structured interviews conducted with individuals who are applying or have recently applied for Luxembourgish nationality. The project examines how official policies are intertwined with individual experiences and findings also unpack the multiple conceptualisations of citizenship.


Kremer, J. and K. Horner. Forthcoming, 2016. 'Eng flott Diskriminatioun?: Language and citizenship policy in Luxembourg as experience.' In: Barakos, E. and J. Unger (eds). Discursive Approaches to Language Policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Horner, K. and J. Kremer. Forthcoming, 2016. 'Shifting ideologies of linguistic authority: language, nation and citizenship in Luxembourg.' In: Rutten, G. and K. Horner (eds). Metalinguistic Perspectives on Germanic Languages: European Case Studies from Past to Present. Oxford: Peter Lang (Historical Sociolinguistics).

Horner, K. 2015. Language regimes and acts of citizenship in multilingual Luxembourg. In: Milani, T.M. (ed.). Language and Citizenship: Special Issue of Journal of Language and Politics 14/3: 359-281.

Horner, K. 2015. Discourses on language and citizenship in Europe. Language and Linguistics Compass 9/5: 209-218.

Kremer, J. 2014. “Come back next year to be a Luxembourger”: Perspectives on language testing and citizenship legislation ‘from below’. In: Horner, K., I. de Saint-Georges and J-J. Weber (eds). 2014. Multilingualism and Mobility in Europe: Policies and Practices. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (Sprache, Mehrsprachigkeit und sozialer Wandel). 171-187.

Horner, K. 2013. 'Media representations of multilingual Luxembourg: constructing language as a problem, resource, right or duty?' In: Kelly-Holmes, H. and T.M. Milani (eds). Thematising Multilingualism in the Media. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Benjamins Current Topics 49). 23-42.

Horner, K. 2011. Media representations of multilingual Luxembourg: constructing language as a problem, resource, right or duty? In: Kelly-Holmes, H. and T.M. Milani (eds). Thematising Multilingualism in the Media: Special issue of Journal of Language and Politics 10/4: 491-510.

Horner, K. 2009. `Language, citizenship and Europeanization: unpacking the discourse of integration.´ In: Hogan-Brun, G., C. Mar-Molinero and P. Stevenson (eds). Discourses on Language and Integration: Critical Perspectives on Language Testing Regimes in Europe. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture 33). 109-128.

Horner, K. 2009. `Regimenting language, mobility and citizenship in Luxembourg.´ In: Extra, G., M. Spotti and P. Van Avermaet (eds). Language Testing, Migration and Citizenship: Cross-National Perspectives on Integration Regimes. London/New York: Continuum Press (Advances in Sociolinguistics). 148-166.